From 7a5ecba472a0a00ceaa1c66813656dbc8b7459f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taoran Lu <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 10:56:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] SMPTE-RDD5 implementation for film grain synthesis

 cfg/sei/film_grain_characterstics.cfg         |   33 +-
 doc/software-manual.tex                       |   80 +-
 source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.cpp         |    3 +
 source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.h           |    6 +
 source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp         |   61 +-
 source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h           |    4 +-
 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp         |   79 +-
 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.h           |    7 +
 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp         |   13 +
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h             |    4 +
 .../TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp    | 1130 +++++++++++++++++
 .../Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h  |  210 +++
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp             |   66 +
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h               |   10 +
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TypeDef.h               |    1 +
 source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.cpp            |   11 +-
 source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.h              |    5 +
 source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp         |   17 +
 source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h              |   19 +
 source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp            |   13 +-
 20 files changed, 1748 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
 create mode 100644 source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h

diff --git a/cfg/sei/film_grain_characterstics.cfg b/cfg/sei/film_grain_characterstics.cfg
index d8c9c739f..514c6f673 100644
--- a/cfg/sei/film_grain_characterstics.cfg
+++ b/cfg/sei/film_grain_characterstics.cfg
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
 #======== Film grain characteristics SEI message =====================
 SEIFGCEnabled                           : 1
-SEIFGCCancelFlag                        : 0
-SEIFGCPersistenceFlag                   : 1
-SEIFGCModelID                           : 0  # 0: frequency filtering; 1: auto-regression; 2-3 are reserved
-SEIFGCSepColourDescPresentFlag          : 0  # if not 0, need to specify separate colour description (not implemented in current encoder cmd line)
-SEIFGCBlendingModeID                    : 0  # 0: additive; 1: multipliciative
-SEIFGCLog2ScaleFactor                   : 0
-SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp0             : 0  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 0 (not implemented in current encoder cmd line)
-SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp1             : 0  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 1 (not implemented in current encoder cmd line)
-SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp2             : 0  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 2 (not implemented in current encoder cmd line)
+SEIFGCCancelFlag                        : 0  # for SMPTE-RDD5: the value must be 0
+SEIFGCPersistenceFlag                   : 0  # for SMPTE-RDD5: the value must be 0
+SEIFGCModelID                           : 0  # for SMPTE-RDD5: the value must be 0 (0: frequency filtering; 1: auto-regression; 2-3 are reserved)
+SEIFGCSepColourDescPresentFlag          : 0  # for SMPTE-RDD5: the value must be 0 (if not 0, need to specify separate colour description (not implemented in current encoder cmd line))
+SEIFGCBlendingModeID                    : 0  # for SMPTE-RDD5: the value must be 0 (0: additive; 1: multipliciative)
+SEIFGCLog2ScaleFactor                   : 6
+SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp0             : 1  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 0
+SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp1             : 1  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 1
+SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp2             : 1  # if not 0, need to specify model for comp 2
+SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp0   : 1  # Number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 0
+SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp1   : 2  # Number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 1
+SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp2   : 3  # Number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 2
+SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp0         : 0  # Number of model values minus 1 for comp 0
+SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp1         : 2  # Number of model values minus 1 for comp 1
+SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp2         : 2  # Number of model values minus 1 for comp 2
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0  : 10 110           # Lower bound of intensity interval for comp 0 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1  : 10 110 210       # Lower bound of intensity interval for comp 1 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2  : 10 60 110 210    # Lower bound of intensity interval for comp 2 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0  : 100 250          # Upper bound of intensity interval for comp 0 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1  : 100 200 250      # Upper bound of intensity interval for comp 1 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2  : 50 100 200 250   # Upper bound of intensity interval for comp 2 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp0              : 100 150          # model values for each intensity interval for comp 0 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))    
+SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp1              : 100 2 2 120 12 12 140 14 14 # model values for each intensity interval for comp 1 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))    
+SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp2              : 160 4 4 200 6 6 240 11 11 250 13 13 # model values for each intensity interval for comp 2 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/software-manual.tex b/doc/software-manual.tex
index c83e25d17..bb6320535 100644
--- a/doc/software-manual.tex
+++ b/doc/software-manual.tex
@@ -2439,15 +2439,15 @@ Enables or disables the insertion of the film grain characteristics SEI message.
 \Option{SEIFGCCancelFlag} &
 \Default{0} &
-Specifies the persistence of any previous film grain characteristics SEI message in output order.
+Specifies the persistence of any previous film grain characteristics SEI message in output order. For SMPTE-RDD5, the value must be 0.
 \Option{SEIFGCPersistenceFlag} &
-\Default{1} &
-Specifies the persistence of the film grain characteristics SEI message for the current layer.
+\Default{0} &
+Specifies the persistence of the film grain characteristics SEI message for the current layer. For SMPTE-RDD5, the value must be 0.
 \Option{SEIFGCModelID} &
 \Default{0} &
-Specifies the film grain simulation model.
+Specifies the film grain simulation model. For SMPTE-RDD5, the value must be 0.
   0 & frequency filtering \\
@@ -2456,11 +2456,11 @@ Specifies the film grain simulation model.
 \Option{SEIFGCSepColourDescPresentFlag} &
 \Default{0} &
-Specifies the presence of a distinct colour space description for the film grain characteristics specified in the SEI message.
+Specifies the presence of a distinct colour space description for the film grain characteristics specified in the SEI message. For SMPTE-RDD5, the value must be 0.
 \Option{SEIFGCBlendingModeID} &
 \Default{0} &
-Specifies the blending mode used to blend the simulated film grain with the decoded images.
+Specifies the blending mode used to blend the simulated film grain with the decoded images. For SMPTE-RDD5, the value must be 0.
   0 & additive \\
@@ -2468,21 +2468,81 @@ Specifies the blending mode used to blend the simulated film grain with the deco
 \Option{SEIFGCLog2ScaleFactor} &
-\Default{0} &
+\Default{6} &
 Specifies a scale factor used in the film grain characterization equations.
 \Option{SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp0} &
-\Default{0} &
+\Default{1} &
 Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 0.
 \Option{SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp1} &
-\Default{0} &
+\Default{1} &
 Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 1.
 \Option{SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp2} &
-\Default{0} &
+\Default{1} &
 Specifies the presence of film grain modelling on colour component 2.
+\Option{SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp0} &
+\Default{1} &
+Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 0
+\Option{SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp1} &
+\Default{2} &
+Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 1
+\Option{SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp2} &
+\Default{3} &
+Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus 1 for comp 2
+\Option{SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp0} &
+\Default{0} &
+Specifies the number of model values minus 1 for comp 0
+\Option{SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp1} &
+\Default{2} &
+Specifies the number of model values minus 1 for comp 1
+\Option{SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp2} &
+\Default{2} &
+Specifies the number of model values minus 1 for comp 2
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0} &
+\Default{10 110} &
+Specifies the lower bound of intensity interval for comp 0 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1} &
+\Default{10 110 210} &
+Specifies the lower bound of intensity interval for comp 1 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2} &
+\Default{10 60 110 210} &
+Specifies the lower bound of intensity interval for comp 2 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0} &
+\Default{100 250} &
+Specifies the upper bound of intensity interval for comp 0 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1} &
+\Default{100 200 250} &
+Specifies the upper bound of intensity interval for comp 1 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2} &
+\Default{50 100 200 250} &
+Specifies the upper bound of intensity interval for comp 2 (for SMPTE-RDD5, non-overlapping interval)
+\Option{SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp0} &
+\Default{100 150} &
+Specifies the model values for each intensity interval for comp 0 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))
+\Option{SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp1} &
+\Default{100 2 2 120 12 12 140 14 14} &
+Specifies the model values for each intensity interval for comp 1 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))
+\Option{SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp2} &
+\Default{160 4 4 200 6 6 240 11 11 250 13 13} &
+Specifies the model values for each intensity interval for comp 2 (sigma, h, v (h,v might be inferred based on number of model value))
diff --git a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.cpp b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.cpp
index e1466f28c..20b3e3041 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ Bool TAppDecCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   ("TarDecLayerIdSetFile,l",    cfg_TargetDecLayerIdSetFile,           string(""), "targetDecLayerIdSet file name. The file should include white space separated LayerId values to be decoded. Omitting the option or a value of -1 in the file decodes all layers.")
   ("RespectDefDispWindow,w",    m_respectDefDispWindow,                0,          "Only output content inside the default display window\n")
   ("SEIColourRemappingInfoFilename",  m_colourRemapSEIFileName,        string(""), "Colour Remapping YUV output file name. If empty, no remapping is applied (ignore SEI message)\n")
+  ("SEIFGSFilename",            m_SEIFGSFileName,                      string(""), "FGS YUV output file name. If empty, no film grain is applied (ignore SEI message)\n")
   ("SEIAnnotatedRegionsInfoFilename",  m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName,   string(""), "Annotated regions output file name. If empty, no object information will be saved (ignore SEI message)\n")
   ("ForceDecodeBitDepth",       m_forceDecodeBitDepth,                 0U,         "Force the decoder to operate at a particular bit-depth (best effort decoding)")
diff --git a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.h b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.h
index 1c491c780..0802109e1 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.h
+++ b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecCfg.h
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ protected:
   Int           m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled;       ///< Checksum(3)/CRC(2)/MD5(1)/disable(0) acting on decoded picture hash SEI message
   Bool          m_decodedNoDisplaySEIEnabled;         ///< Enable(true)/disable(false) writing only pictures that get displayed based on the no display SEI message
   std::string   m_colourRemapSEIFileName;             ///< output Colour Remapping file name
+  std::string   m_SEIFGSFileName;                     ///< output reconstruction file name
   std::string   m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName;        ///< annotated regions file name
   std::vector<Int> m_targetDecLayerIdSet;             ///< set of LayerIds to be included in the sub-bitstream extraction process.
   Int           m_respectDefDispWindow;               ///< Only output content inside the default display window
@@ -89,6 +92,9 @@ public:
   , m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(0)
   , m_decodedNoDisplaySEIEnabled(false)
   , m_colourRemapSEIFileName()
+  , m_SEIFGSFileName()
   , m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName()
   , m_targetDecLayerIdSet()
   , m_respectDefDispWindow(0)
diff --git a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp
index 6c9676c72..46c8d922f 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ Void TAppDecTop::destroy()
+  m_SEIFGSFileName.clear();
 // ====================================================================================================================
@@ -136,6 +139,9 @@ Void TAppDecTop::decode()
   // main decoder loop
   Bool openedReconFile = false; // reconstruction file not yet opened. (must be performed after SPS is seen)
+  Bool openedSEIFGSFile = false; // reconstruction file (with FGS) not yet opened. (must be performed after SPS is seen)
   Bool loopFiltered = false;
   while (!!bitstreamFile)
@@ -230,6 +236,23 @@ Void TAppDecTop::decode() m_reconFileName, true, m_outputBitDepth, m_outputBitDepth, bitDepths.recon ); // write mode
         openedReconFile = true;
+      // Initialize file handle to write output with film grain
+      if ((!m_SEIFGSFileName.empty()) && (!openedSEIFGSFile))
+      {
+        const BitDepths &bitDepths = pcListPic->front()->getPicSym()->getSPS().getBitDepths(); // use bit depths of first reconstructed picture.
+        for (UInt channelType = 0; channelType < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; channelType++)
+        {
+          if (m_outputBitDepth[channelType] == 0)
+          {
+            m_outputBitDepth[channelType] = bitDepths.recon[channelType];
+          }
+        }
+, true, m_outputBitDepth, m_outputBitDepth, bitDepths.recon); // write mode
+        openedSEIFGSFile = true;
+      }
       // write reconstruction to file
       if( bNewPicture )
@@ -286,6 +309,12 @@ Void TAppDecTop::xDestroyDecLib()
+  if (!m_SEIFGSFileName.empty())
+  {
+    m_cTVideoIOYuvSEIFGSFile.close();
+  }
   // destroy decoder class
@@ -477,6 +506,21 @@ Void TAppDecTop::xWriteOutput( TComList<TComPic*>* pcListPic, UInt tId )
                                          NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, m_bClipOutputVideoToRec709Range  );
+        // Perform FGS on decoded frame and write to output FGS file
+        if (!m_SEIFGSFileName.empty())
+        {
+          const Window &conf = pcPic->getConformanceWindow();
+          const Window  defDisp = m_respectDefDispWindow ? pcPic->getDefDisplayWindow() : Window();
+          m_cTVideoIOYuvSEIFGSFile.write(pcPic->getPicYuvDisp(),
+                                          m_outputColourSpaceConvert,
+                                          conf.getWindowLeftOffset() + defDisp.getWindowLeftOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowRightOffset() + defDisp.getWindowRightOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowTopOffset() + defDisp.getWindowTopOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowBottomOffset() + defDisp.getWindowBottomOffset(),
+                                          NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, m_bClipOutputVideoToRec709Range);
+        }
         if (!m_annotatedRegionsSEIFileName.empty())
@@ -605,7 +649,22 @@ Void TAppDecTop::xFlushOutput( TComList<TComPic*>* pcListPic )
                                          NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, m_bClipOutputVideoToRec709Range );
-        if (!m_colourRemapSEIFileName.empty())
+        // Perform FGS on decoded frame and write to output FGS file
+        if (!m_SEIFGSFileName.empty())
+        {
+          const Window &conf = pcPic->getConformanceWindow();
+          const Window  defDisp = m_respectDefDispWindow ? pcPic->getDefDisplayWindow() : Window();
+          m_cTVideoIOYuvSEIFGSFile.write(pcPic->getPicYuvDisp(),
+                                          m_outputColourSpaceConvert,
+                                          conf.getWindowLeftOffset() + defDisp.getWindowLeftOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowRightOffset() + defDisp.getWindowRightOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowTopOffset() + defDisp.getWindowTopOffset(),
+                                          conf.getWindowBottomOffset() + defDisp.getWindowBottomOffset(),
+                                          NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT, m_bClipOutputVideoToRec709Range);
+        }
+       if (!m_colourRemapSEIFileName.empty())
diff --git a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h
index 595225c1a..d4ce6add1 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h
+++ b/source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ private:
   // class interface
   TDecTop                         m_cTDecTop;                     ///< decoder class
   TVideoIOYuv                     m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile;        ///< reconstruction YUV class
+  TVideoIOYuv                     m_cTVideoIOYuvSEIFGSFile;       ///< reconstruction YUV class
   // for output control
   Int                             m_iPOCLastDisplay;              ///< last POC in display order
   std::ofstream                   m_seiMessageFileStream;         ///< Used for outputing SEI messages.
diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
index 5ae63df72..bc7cf9302 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
@@ -727,6 +727,18 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   SMultiValueInput<Bool> cfg_timeCodeSeiHoursFlag            (0,  1, 0, MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetLength     (0, 31, 0, MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      (std::numeric_limits<Int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Int>::max(), 0, MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS);
+  // default values used for FGC SEI parameter parsing
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_omniViewportSEIAzimuthCentre    (-11796480, 11796479, 0, 15);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_omniViewportSEIElevationCentre  ( -5898240,  5898240, 0, 15);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_omniViewportSEITiltCentre       (-11796480, 11796479, 0, 15);
@@ -1215,6 +1227,23 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp0",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[0],                       false, "Specifies the presense of film grain modelling on colour component 0.")
   ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp1",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[1],                       false, "Specifies the presense of film grain modelling on colour component 1.")
   ("SEIFGCCompModelPresentComp2",                     m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[2],                       false, "Specifies the presense of film grain modelling on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp0", m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[0], 0u, "Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus1 on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp1", m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[1], 0u, "Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus1 on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumIntensityIntervalMinus1Comp2", m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[2], 0u, "Specifies the number of intensity intervals minus1 on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp0", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[0], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp1", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[1], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp2", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[2], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp0", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp1", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp2", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 2.")
 // content light level SEI
   ("SEICLLEnabled",                                   m_cllSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the content light level SEI message")
   ("SEICLLMaxContentLightLevel",                      m_cllSEIMaxContentLevel,                              0u, "When not equal to 0, specifies an upper bound on the maximum light level among all individual samples in a 4:4:4 representation "
@@ -2045,7 +2074,55 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
       m_timeSetArray[i].timeOffsetValue       = cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      .values.size()>i ? cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      .values [i] : 0;
+  // Assigning the FGC SEI params from App to Lib
+  if (m_fgcSEIEnabled)
+  {
+    UInt numModelCtr;
+    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[0])
+    {
+      numModelCtr = 0;
+      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[0]; i++)
+      {
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[0][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0.values[i] : 0);
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[0][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0.values[i] : 0);
+        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[0]; j++)
+        {
+          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[0][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
+          numModelCtr++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[1])
+    {
+      numModelCtr = 0;
+      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[1]; i++)
+      {
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[1][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1.values[i] : 0);
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[1][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1.values[i] : 0);
+        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[1]; j++)
+        {
+          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[1][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
+          numModelCtr++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[2])
+    {
+      numModelCtr = 0;
+      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[2]; i++)
+      {
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[2][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2.values[i] : 0);
+        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[2][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2.values[i] : 0);
+        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[2]; j++)
+        {
+          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[2][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
+          numModelCtr++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   // check validity of input parameters
diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.h b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.h
index 97bb62deb..069eb623e 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.h
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.h
@@ -496,6 +496,13 @@ protected:
   UInt      m_fgcSEIBlendingModeID;
   UInt      m_fgcSEILog2ScaleFactor;
   Bool      m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UInt      m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UInt      m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UInt      m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES];
+  UInt      m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES];
   // content light level SEI
   Bool      m_cllSEIEnabled;
   UInt      m_cllSEIMaxContentLevel;
diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
index 574b8a5dd..cc9e3a9da 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
@@ -433,6 +433,19 @@ Void TAppEncTop::xInitLibCfg()
   m_cTEncTop.setFilmGrainCharactersticsSEILog2ScaleFactor         ((UChar)m_fgcSEILog2ScaleFactor);
   for (Int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++) {
     m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEICompModelPresent                          (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[i], i);
+    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[i]) {
+      m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1((UChar)m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[i], i);
+      m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1((UChar)m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[i], i);
+      for (int j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[i]; j++) {
+        m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound((UChar)m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[i][j], i, j);
+        m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound((UChar)m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[i][j], i, j);
+        for (int k = 0; k <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[i]; k++) {
+          m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEICompModelValue(m_fgcSEICompModelValue[i][j][k], i, j, k);
+        }
+      }
+    }
 // content light level
   m_cTEncTop.setCLLSEIEnabled                                     (m_cllSEIEnabled);
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h
index 8494b062b..9c74f8660 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h
@@ -246,6 +246,10 @@ static const Int MAX_ENCODER_DEBLOCKING_QUALITY_LAYERS =           8 ;
 static const UInt LUMA_LEVEL_TO_DQP_LUT_MAXSIZE =                1024; ///< max LUT size for QP offset based on luma
+static const Int MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES =                            256; // Maximum nuber of intensity intervals supported in FGC SEI
+static const Int MAX_NUM_MODEL_VALUES =                             6; // Maximum nuber of model values supported in FGC SEI 
 // ====================================================================================================================
 // Macro functions
 // ====================================================================================================================
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35608b970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
+/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD
+* License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party
+* and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are
+* granted under this license.
+* Copyright (c) 2010-2020, ITU/ISO/IEC
+* All rights reserved.
+* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+*    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may
+*    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+*    specific prior written permission.
+/** \file     SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
+    \brief    SMPTE RDD5 based film grain synthesis functionality from SEI messages
+#include "SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* static look up table definitions */
+static const int8_t gaussianLUT[2048] =
+-11, 12, 103, -11, 42, -35, 12, 59, 77, 98, -87, 3, 65, -78, 45, 56,
+-51, 21, 13, -11, -20, -19, 33, -127, 17, -6, -105, 18, 19, 71, 48, -10,
+-38, 42, -2, 75, -67, 52, -90, 33, -47, 21, -3, -56, 49, 1, -57, -42,
+-1, 120, -127, -108, -49, 9, 14, 127, 122, 109, 52, 127, 2, 7, 114, 19,
+30, 12, 77, 112, 82, -61, -127, 111, -52, -29, 2, -49, -24, 58, -29, -73,
+12, 112, 67, 79, -3, -114, -87, -6, -5, 40, 58, -81, 49, -27, -31, -34,
+-105, 50, 16, -24, -35, -14, -15, -127, -55, -22, -55, -127, -112, 5, -26, -72,
+127, 127, -2, 41, 87, -65, -16, 55, 19, 91, -81, -65, -64, 35, -7, -54,
+99, -7, 88, 125, -26, 91, 0, 63, 60, -14, -23, 113, -33, 116, 14, 26,
+51, -16, 107, -8, 53, 38, -34, 17, -7, 4, -91, 6, 63, 63, -15, 39,
+-36, 19, 55, 17, -51, 40, 33, -37, 126, -39, -118, 17, -30, 0, 19, 98,
+60, 101, -12, -73, -17, -52, 98, 3, 3, 60, 33, -3, -2, 10, -42, -106,
+-38, 14, 127, 16, -127, -31, -86, -39, -56, 46, -41, 75, 23, -19, -22, -70,
+74, -54, -2, 32, -45, 17, -92, 59, -64, -67, 56, -102, -29, -87, -34, -92,
+68, 5, -74, -61, 93, -43, 14, -26, -38, -126, -17, 16, -127, 64, 34, 31,
+93, 17, -51, -59, 71, 77, 81, 127, 127, 61, 33, -106, -93, 0, 0, 75,
+-69, 71, 127, -19, -111, 30, 23, 15, 2, 39, 92, 5, 42, 2, -6, 38,
+15, 114, -30, -37, 50, 44, 106, 27, 119, 7, -80, 25, -68, -21, 92, -11,
+-1, 18, 41, -50, 79, -127, -43, 127, 18, 11, -21, 32, -52, 27, -88, -90,
+-39, -19, -10, 24, -118, 72, -24, -44, 2, 12, 86, -107, 39, -33, -127, 47,
+51, -24, -22, 46, 0, 15, -35, -69, -2, -74, 24, -6, 0, 29, -3, 45,
+32, -32, 117, -45, 79, -24, -17, -109, -10, -70, 88, -48, 24, -91, 120, -37,
+50, -127, 58, 32, -82, -10, -17, -7, 46, -127, -15, 89, 127, 17, 98, -39,
+-33, 37, 42, -40, -32, -21, 105, -19, 19, 19, -59, -9, 30, 0, -127, 34,
+127, -84, 75, 24, -40, -49, -127, -107, -14, 45, -75, 1, 30, -20, 41, -68,
+-40, 12, 127, -3, 5, 20, -73, -59, -127, -3, -3, -53, -6, -119, 93, 120,
+-80, -50, 0, 20, -46, 67, 78, -12, -22, -127, 36, -41, 56, 119, -5, -116,
+-22, 68, -14, -90, 24, -82, -44, -127, 107, -25, -37, 40, -7, -7, -82, 5,
+-87, 44, -34, 9, -127, 39, 70, 49, -63, 74, -49, 109, -27, -89, -47, -39,
+44, 49, -4, 60, -42, 80, 9, -127, -9, -56, -49, 125, -66, 47, 36, 117,
+15, -11, -96, 109, 94, -17, -56, 70, 8, -14, -5, 50, 37, -45, 120, -30,
+-76, 40, -46, 6, 3, 69, 17, -78, 1, -79, 6, 127, 43, 26, 127, -127,
+28, -55, -26, 55, 112, 48, 107, -1, -77, -1, 53, -9, -22, -43, 123, 108,
+127, 102, 68, 46, 5, 1, 123, -13, -55, -34, -49, 89, 65, -105, -5, 94,
+-53, 62, 45, 30, 46, 18, -35, 15, 41, 47, -98, -24, 94, -75, 127, -114,
+127, -68, 1, -17, 51, -95, 47, 12, 34, -45, -75, 89, -107, -9, -58, -29,
+-109, -24, 127, -61, -13, 77, -45, 17, 19, 83, -24, 9, 127, -66, 54, 4,
+26, 13, 111, 43, -113, -22, 10, -24, 83, 67, -14, 75, -123, 59, 127, -12,
+99, -19, 64, -38, 54, 9, 7, 61, -56, 3, -57, 113, -104, -59, 3, -9,
+-47, 74, 85, -55, -34, 12, 118, 28, 93, -72, 13, -99, -72, -20, 30, 72,
+-94, 19, -54, 64, -12, -63, -25, 65, 72, -10, 127, 0, -127, 103, -20, -73,
+-112, -103, -6, 28, -42, -21, -59, -29, -26, 19, -4, -51, 94, -58, -95, -37,
+35, 20, -69, 127, -19, -127, -22, -120, -53, 37, 74, -127, -1, -12, -119, -53,
+-28, 38, 69, 17, 16, -114, 89, 62, 24, 37, -23, 49, -101, -32, -9, -95,
+-53, 5, 93, -23, -49, -8, 51, 3, -75, -90, -10, -39, 127, -86, -22, 20,
+20, 113, 75, 52, -31, 92, -63, 7, -12, 46, 36, 101, -43, -17, -53, -7,
+-38, -76, -31, -21, 62, 31, 62, 20, -127, 31, 64, 36, 102, -85, -10, 77,
+80, 58, -79, -8, 35, 8, 80, -24, -9, 3, -17, 72, 127, 83, -87, 55,
+18, -119, -123, 36, 10, 127, 56, -55, 113, 13, 26, 32, -13, -48, 22, -13,
+5, 58, 27, 24, 26, -11, -36, 37, -92, 78, 81, 9, 51, 14, 67, -13,
+0, 32, 45, -76, 32, -39, -22, -49, -127, -27, 31, -9, 36, 14, 71, 13,
+57, 12, -53, -86, 53, -44, -35, 2, 127, 12, -66, -44, 46, -115, 3, 10,
+56, -35, 119, -19, -61, 52, -59, -127, -49, -23, 4, -5, 17, -82, -6, 127,
+25, 79, 67, 64, -25, 14, -64, -37, -127, -28, 21, -63, 66, -53, -41, 109,
+-62, 15, -22, 13, 29, -63, 20, 27, 95, -44, -59, -116, -10, 79, -49, 22,
+-43, -16, 46, -47, -120, -36, -29, -52, -44, 29, 127, -13, 49, -9, -127, 75,
+-28, -23, 88, 59, 11, -95, 81, -59, 58, 60, -26, 40, -92, -3, -22, -58,
+-45, -59, -22, -53, 71, -29, 66, -32, -23, 14, -17, -66, -24, -28, -62, 47,
+38, 17, 16, -37, -24, -11, 8, -27, -19, 59, 45, -49, -47, -4, -22, -81,
+30, -67, -127, 74, 102, 5, -18, 98, 34, -66, 42, -52, 7, -59, 24, -58,
+-19, -24, -118, -73, 91, 15, -16, 79, -32, -79, -127, -36, 41, 77, -83, 2,
+56, 22, -75, 127, -16, -21, 12, 31, 56, -113, -127, 90, 55, 61, 12, 55,
+-14, -113, -14, 32, 49, -67, -17, 91, -10, 1, 21, 69, -70, 99, -19, -112,
+66, -90, -10, -9, -71, 127, 50, -81, -49, 24, 61, -61, -111, 7, -41, 127,
+88, -66, 108, -127, -6, 36, -14, 41, -50, 14, 14, 73, -101, -28, 77, 127,
+-8, -100, 88, 38, 121, 88, -125, -60, 13, -94, -115, 20, -67, -87, -94, -119,
+44, -28, -30, 18, 5, -53, -61, 20, -43, 11, -77, -60, 13, 29, 3, 6,
+-72, 38, -60, -11, 108, -53, 41, 66, -12, -127, -127, -49, 24, 29, 46, 36,
+91, 34, -33, 116, -51, -34, -52, 91, 7, -83, 73, -26, -103, 24, -10, 76,
+84, 5, 68, -80, -13, -17, -32, -48, 20, 50, 26, 10, 63, -104, -14, 37,
+127, 114, 97, 35, 1, -33, -55, 127, -124, -33, 61, -7, 119, -32, -127, -53,
+-42, 63, 3, -5, -26, 70, -58, -33, -44, -43, 34, -56, -127, 127, 25, -35,
+-11, 16, -81, 29, -58, 40, -127, -127, 20, -47, -11, -36, -63, -52, -32, -82,
+78, -76, -73, 8, 27, -72, -9, -74, -85, -86, -57, 25, 78, -10, -97, 35,
+-65, 8, -59, 14, 1, -42, 32, -88, -44, 17, -3, -9, 59, 40, 12, -108,
+-40, 24, 34, 18, -28, 2, 51, -110, -4, 100, 1, 65, 22, 0, 127, 61,
+45, 25, -31, 6, 9, -7, -48, 99, 16, 44, -2, -40, 32, -39, -52, 10,
+-110, -19, 56, -127, 69, 26, 51, 92, 40, 61, -52, 45, -38, 13, 85, 122,
+27, 66, 45, -111, -83, -3, 31, 37, 19, -36, 58, 71, 39, -78, -47, 58,
+-78, 8, -62, -36, -14, 61, 42, -127, 71, -4, 24, -54, 52, -127, 67, -4,
+-42, 30, -63, 59, -3, -1, -18, -46, -92, -81, -96, -14, -53, -10, -11, -77,
+13, 1, 8, -67, -127, 127, -28, 26, -14, 18, -13, -26, 2, 10, -46, -32,
+-15, 27, -31, -59, 59, 77, -121, 28, 40, -54, -62, -31, -21, -37, -32, -6,
+-127, -25, -60, 70, -127, 112, -127, 127, 88, -7, 116, 110, 53, 87, -127, 3,
+16, 23, 74, -106, -51, 3, 74, -82, -112, -74, 65, 81, 25, 53, 127, -45,
+-50, -103, -41, -65, -29, 79, -67, 64, -33, -30, -8, 127, 0, -13, -51, 67,
+-14, 5, -92, 29, -35, -8, -90, -57, -3, 36, 43, 44, -31, -69, -7, 36,
+39, -51, 43, -81, 58, 6, 127, 12, 57, 66, 46, 59, -43, -42, 41, -15,
+-120, 24, 3, -11, 19, -13, 51, 28, 3, 55, -48, -12, -1, 2, 97, -19,
+29, 42, 13, 43, 78, -44, 56, -108, -43, -19, 127, 15, -11, -18, -81, 83,
+-37, 77, -109, 15, 65, -50, 43, 12, 13, 27, 28, 61, 57, 30, 26, 106,
+-18, 56, 13, 97, 4, -8, -62, -103, 94, 108, -44, 52, 27, -47, -9, 105,
+-53, 46, 89, 103, -33, 38, -34, 55, 51, 70, -94, -35, -87, -107, -19, -31,
+9, -19, 79, -14, 77, 5, -19, -107, 85, 21, -45, -39, -42, 9, -29, 74,
+47, -75, 60, -127, 120, -112, -57, -32, 41, 7, 79, 76, 66, 57, 41, -25,
+31, 37, -47, -36, 43, -73, -37, 63, 127, -69, -52, 90, -33, -61, 60, -55,
+44, 15, 4, -67, 13, -92, 64, 29, -39, -3, 83, -2, -38, -85, -86, 58,
+35, -69, -61, 29, -37, -95, -78, 4, 30, -4, -32, -80, -22, -9, -77, 46,
+7, -93, -71, 65, 9, -50, 127, -70, 26, -12, -39, -114, 63, -127, -100, 4,
+-32, 111, 22, -60, 65, -101, 26, -42, 21, -59, -27, -74, 2, -94, 6, 126,
+5, 76, -88, -9, -43, -101, 127, 1, 125, 92, -63, 52, 56, 4, 81, -127,
+127, 80, 127, -29, 30, 116, -74, -17, -57, 105, 48, 45, 25, -72, 48, -38,
+-108, 31, -34, 4, -11, 41, -127, 52, -104, -43, -37, 52, 2, 47, 87, -9,
+77, 27, -41, -25, 90, 86, -56, 75, 10, 33, 78, 58, 127, 127, -7, -73,
+49, -33, -106, -35, 38, 57, 53, -17, -4, 83, 52, -108, 54, -125, 28, 23,
+56, -43, -88, -17, -6, 47, 23, -9, 0, -13, 111, 75, 27, -52, -38, -34,
+39, 30, 66, 39, 38, -64, 38, 3, 21, -32, -51, -28, 54, -38, -87, 20,
+52, 115, 18, -81, -70, 0, -14, -46, -46, -3, 125, 16, -14, 23, -82, -84,
+-69, -20, -65, -127, 9, 81, -49, 61, 7, -36, -45, -42, 57, -26, 47, 20,
+-85, 46, -13, 41, -37, -75, -60, 86, -78, -127, 12, 50, 2, -3, 13, 47,
+5, 19, -78, -55, -27, 65, -71, 12, -108, 20, -16, 11, -31, 63, -55, 37,
+75, -17, 127, -73, -33, -28, -120, 105, 68, 106, -103, -106, 71, 61, 2, 23,
+-3, 33, -5, -15, -67, -15, -23, -54, 15, -63, 76, 58, -110, 1, 83, -27,
+22, 75, -39, -17, -11, 64, -17, -127, -54, -66, 31, 96, 116, 3, -114, -7,
+-108, -63, 97, 9, 50, 8, 75, -28, 72, 112, -36, -112, 95, -50, 23, -13,
+-19, 55, 21, 23, 92, 91, 22, -49, 16, -75, 23, 9, -49, -97, -37, 49,
+-36, 36, -127, -86, 43, 127, -24, -24, 84, 83, -35, -34, -12, 109, 102, -38,
+51, -68, 34, 19, -22, 49, -32, 127, 40, 24, -93, -4, -3, 105, 3, -58,
+-18, 8, 127, -18, 125, 68, 69, -62, 30, -36, 54, -57, -24, 17, 43, -36,
+-27, -57, -67, -21, -10, -49, 68, 12, 65, 4, 48, 55, 127, -75, 44, 89,
+-66, -13, -78, -82, -91, 22, 30, 33, -40, -87, -34, 96, -91, 39, 10, -64,
+-3, -12, 127, -50, -37, -56, 23, -35, -36, -54, 90, -91, 2, 50, 77, -6,
+-127, 16, 46, -5, -73, 0, -56, -18, -72, 28, 93, 60, 49, 20, 18, 111,
+-111, 32, -83, 47, 47, -10, 35, -88, 43, 57, -98, 127, -17, 0, 1, -39,
+-127, -2, 0, 63, 93, 0, 36, -66, -61, -19, 39, -127, 58, 50, -17, 127,
+88, -43, -108, -51, -16, 7, -36, 68, 46, -14, 107, 40, 57, 7, 19, 8,
+3, 88, -90, -92, -18, -21, -24, 13, 7, -4, -78, -91, -4, 8, -35, -5,
+19, 2, -111, 4, -66, -81, 122, -20, -34, -37, -84, 127, 68, 46, 17, 47
+static const uint32_t seedLUT[256] = {
+747538460, 1088979410, 1744950180, 1767011913, 1403382928, 521866116, 1060417601, 2110622736,
+1557184770, 105289385, 585624216, 1827676546, 1191843873, 1018104344, 1123590530, 663361569,
+2023850500, 76561770, 1226763489, 80325252, 1992581442, 502705249, 740409860, 516219202,
+557974537, 1883843076, 720112066, 1640137737, 1820967556, 40667586, 155354121, 1820967557,
+1115949072, 1631803309, 98284748, 287433856, 2119719977, 988742797, 1827432592, 579378475,
+1017745956, 1309377032, 1316535465, 2074315269, 1923385360, 209722667, 1546228260, 168102420,
+135274561, 355958469, 248291472, 2127839491, 146920100, 585982612, 1611702337, 696506029,
+1386498192, 1258072451, 1212240548, 1043171860, 1217404993, 1090770605, 1386498193, 169093201,
+541098240, 1468005469, 456510673, 1578687785, 1838217424, 2010752065, 2089828354, 1362717428,
+970073673, 854129835, 714793201, 1266069081, 1047060864, 1991471829, 1098097741, 913883585,
+1669598224, 1337918685, 1219264706, 1799741108, 1834116681, 683417731, 1120274457, 1073098457,
+1648396544, 176642749, 31171789, 718317889, 1266977808, 1400892508, 549749008, 1808010512,
+67112961, 1005669825, 903663673, 1771104465, 1277749632, 1229754427, 950632997, 1979371465,
+2074373264, 305357524, 1049387408, 1171033360, 1686114305, 2147468765, 1941195985, 117709841,
+809550080, 991480851, 1816248997, 1561503561, 329575568, 780651196, 1659144592, 1910793616,
+604016641, 1665084765, 1530186961, 1870928913, 809550081, 2079346113, 71307521, 876663040,
+1073807360, 832356664, 1573927377, 204073344, 2026918147, 1702476788, 2043881033, 57949587,
+2001393952, 1197426649, 1186508931, 332056865, 950043140, 890043474, 349099312, 148914948,
+236204097, 2022643605, 1441981517, 498130129, 1443421481, 924216797, 1817491777, 1913146664,
+1411989632, 929068432, 495735097, 1684636033, 1284520017, 432816184, 1344884865, 210843729,
+676364544, 234449232, 12112337, 1350619139, 1753272996, 2037118872, 1408560528, 533334916,
+1043640385, 357326099, 201376421, 110375493, 541106497, 416159637, 242512193, 777294080,
+1614872576, 1535546636, 870600145, 910810409, 1821440209, 1605432464, 1145147393, 951695441,
+1758494976, 1506656568, 1557150160, 608221521, 1073840384, 217672017, 684818688, 1750138880,
+16777217, 677990609, 953274371, 1770050213, 1359128393, 1797602707, 1984616737, 1865815816,
+2120835200, 2051677060, 1772234061, 1579794881, 1652821009, 1742099468, 1887260865, 46468113,
+1011925248, 1134107920, 881643832, 1354774993, 472508800, 1892499769, 1752793472, 1962502272,
+687898625, 883538000, 1354355153, 1761673473, 944820481, 2020102353, 22020353, 961597696,
+1342242816, 964808962, 1355809701, 17016649, 1386540177, 647682692, 1849012289, 751668241,
+1557184768, 127374604, 1927564752, 1045744913, 1614921984, 43588881, 1016185088, 1544617984,
+1090519041, 136122424, 215038417, 1563027841, 2026918145, 1688778833, 701530369, 1372639488,
+1342242817, 2036945104, 953274369, 1750192384, 16842753, 964808960, 1359020032, 1358954497
+static const int8_t R64_IDCT[64][64] =
+{ /* Row 0 */
+32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
+32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
+32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
+32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32},
+{ /* Row 1 */
+45, 45, 45, 45, 44, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 34, 33,
+31, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 3, 1,
+-1, -3, -6, -8, -10, -12, -14, -16, -18, -20, -22, -24, -26, -28, -30, -31,
+-33, -34, -36, -37, -38, -39, -40, -41, -42, -43, -44, -44, -45, -45, -45, -45},
+{ /* Row 2 */
+45, 45, 44, 43, 41, 39, 36, 34, 30, 27, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, 2,
+-2, -7, -11, -15, -19, -23, -27, -30, -34, -36, -39, -41, -43, -44, -45, -45,
+-45, -45, -44, -43, -41, -39, -36, -34, -30, -27, -23, -19, -15, -11, -7, -2,
+2, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 30, 34, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 45},
+{ /* Row 3 */
+45, 44, 42, 39, 36, 31, 26, 20, 14, 8, 1, -6, -12, -18, -24, -30,
+-34, -38, -41, -44, -45, -45, -45, -43, -40, -37, -33, -28, -22, -16, -10, -3,
+3, 10, 16, 22, 28, 33, 37, 40, 43, 45, 45, 45, 44, 41, 38, 34,
+30, 24, 18, 12, 6, -1, -8, -14, -20, -26, -31, -36, -39, -42, -44, -45},
+{ /* Row 4 */
+45, 43, 40, 35, 29, 21, 13, 4, -4, -13, -21, -29, -35, -40, -43, -45,
+-45, -43, -40, -35, -29, -21, -13, -4, 4, 13, 21, 29, 35, 40, 43, 45,
+45, 43, 40, 35, 29, 21, 13, 4, -4, -13, -21, -29, -35, -40, -43, -45,
+-45, -43, -40, -35, -29, -21, -13, -4, 4, 13, 21, 29, 35, 40, 43, 45},
+{ /* Row 5 */
+45, 42, 37, 30, 20, 10, -1, -12, -22, -31, -38, -43, -45, -45, -41, -36,
+-28, -18, -8, 3, 14, 24, 33, 39, 44, 45, 44, 40, 34, 26, 16, 6,
+-6, -16, -26, -34, -40, -44, -45, -44, -39, -33, -24, -14, -3, 8, 18, 28,
+36, 41, 45, 45, 43, 38, 31, 22, 12, 1, -10, -20, -30, -37, -42, -45},
+{ /* Row 6 */
+45, 41, 34, 23, 11, -2, -15, -27, -36, -43, -45, -44, -39, -30, -19, -7,
+7, 19, 30, 39, 44, 45, 43, 36, 27, 15, 2, -11, -23, -34, -41, -45,
+-45, -41, -34, -23, -11, 2, 15, 27, 36, 43, 45, 44, 39, 30, 19, 7,
+-7, -19, -30, -39, -44, -45, -43, -36, -27, -15, -2, 11, 23, 34, 41, 45},
+{ /* Row 7 */
+45, 39, 30, 16, 1, -14, -28, -38, -44, -45, -40, -31, -18, -3, 12, 26,
+37, 44, 45, 41, 33, 20, 6, -10, -24, -36, -43, -45, -42, -34, -22, -8,
+8, 22, 34, 42, 45, 43, 36, 24, 10, -6, -20, -33, -41, -45, -44, -37,
+-26, -12, 3, 18, 31, 40, 45, 44, 38, 28, 14, -1, -16, -30, -39, -45},
+{ /* Row 8 */
+44, 38, 25, 9, -9, -25, -38, -44, -44, -38, -25, -9, 9, 25, 38, 44,
+44, 38, 25, 9, -9, -25, -38, -44, -44, -38, -25, -9, 9, 25, 38, 44,
+44, 38, 25, 9, -9, -25, -38, -44, -44, -38, -25, -9, 9, 25, 38, 44,
+44, 38, 25, 9, -9, -25, -38, -44, -44, -38, -25, -9, 9, 25, 38, 44},
+{ /* Row 9 */
+44, 36, 20, 1, -18, -34, -44, -45, -37, -22, -3, 16, 33, 43, 45, 38,
+24, 6, -14, -31, -42, -45, -39, -26, -8, 12, 30, 41, 45, 40, 28, 10,
+-10, -28, -40, -45, -41, -30, -12, 8, 26, 39, 45, 42, 31, 14, -6, -24,
+-38, -45, -43, -33, -16, 3, 22, 37, 45, 44, 34, 18, -1, -20, -36, -44},
+{ /* Row 10 */
+44, 34, 15, -7, -27, -41, -45, -39, -23, -2, 19, 36, 45, 43, 30, 11,
+-11, -30, -43, -45, -36, -19, 2, 23, 39, 45, 41, 27, 7, -15, -34, -44,
+-44, -34, -15, 7, 27, 41, 45, 39, 23, 2, -19, -36, -45, -43, -30, -11,
+11, 30, 43, 45, 36, 19, -2, -23, -39, -45, -41, -27, -7, 15, 34, 44},
+{ /* Row 11 */
+44, 31, 10, -14, -34, -45, -42, -28, -6, 18, 37, 45, 40, 24, 1, -22,
+-39, -45, -38, -20, 3, 26, 41, 45, 36, 16, -8, -30, -43, -44, -33, -12,
+12, 33, 44, 43, 30, 8, -16, -36, -45, -41, -26, -3, 20, 38, 45, 39,
+22, -1, -24, -40, -45, -37, -18, 6, 28, 42, 45, 34, 14, -10, -31, -44},
+{ /* Row 12 */
+43, 29, 4, -21, -40, -45, -35, -13, 13, 35, 45, 40, 21, -4, -29, -43,
+-43, -29, -4, 21, 40, 45, 35, 13, -13, -35, -45, -40, -21, 4, 29, 43,
+43, 29, 4, -21, -40, -45, -35, -13, 13, 35, 45, 40, 21, -4, -29, -43,
+-43, -29, -4, 21, 40, 45, 35, 13, -13, -35, -45, -40, -21, 4, 29, 43},
+{ /* Row 13 */
+43, 26, -1, -28, -44, -42, -24, 3, 30, 44, 41, 22, -6, -31, -45, -40,
+-20, 8, 33, 45, 39, 18, -10, -34, -45, -38, -16, 12, 36, 45, 37, 14,
+-14, -37, -45, -36, -12, 16, 38, 45, 34, 10, -18, -39, -45, -33, -8, 20,
+40, 45, 31, 6, -22, -41, -44, -30, -3, 24, 42, 44, 28, 1, -26, -43},
+{ /* Row 14 */
+43, 23, -7, -34, -45, -36, -11, 19, 41, 44, 27, -2, -30, -45, -39, -15,
+15, 39, 45, 30, 2, -27, -44, -41, -19, 11, 36, 45, 34, 7, -23, -43,
+-43, -23, 7, 34, 45, 36, 11, -19, -41, -44, -27, 2, 30, 45, 39, 15,
+-15, -39, -45, -30, -2, 27, 44, 41, 19, -11, -36, -45, -34, -7, 23, 43},
+{ /* Row 15 */
+42, 20, -12, -38, -45, -28, 3, 33, 45, 34, 6, -26, -44, -39, -14, 18,
+41, 43, 22, -10, -37, -45, -30, 1, 31, 45, 36, 8, -24, -44, -40, -16,
+16, 40, 44, 24, -8, -36, -45, -31, -1, 30, 45, 37, 10, -22, -43, -41,
+-18, 14, 39, 44, 26, -6, -34, -45, -33, -3, 28, 45, 38, 12, -20, -42},
+{ /* Row 16 */
+42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42, 42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42,
+42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42, 42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42,
+42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42, 42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42,
+42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42, 42, 17, -17, -42, -42, -17, 17, 42},
+{ /* Row 17 */
+41, 14, -22, -44, -37, -6, 30, 45, 31, -3, -36, -45, -24, 12, 40, 42,
+16, -20, -44, -38, -8, 28, 45, 33, -1, -34, -45, -26, 10, 39, 43, 18,
+-18, -43, -39, -10, 26, 45, 34, 1, -33, -45, -28, 8, 38, 44, 20, -16,
+-42, -40, -12, 24, 45, 36, 3, -31, -45, -30, 6, 37, 44, 22, -14, -41},
+{ /* Row 18 */
+41, 11, -27, -45, -30, 7, 39, 43, 15, -23, -45, -34, 2, 36, 44, 19,
+-19, -44, -36, -2, 34, 45, 23, -15, -43, -39, -7, 30, 45, 27, -11, -41,
+-41, -11, 27, 45, 30, -7, -39, -43, -15, 23, 45, 34, -2, -36, -44, -19,
+19, 44, 36, 2, -34, -45, -23, 15, 43, 39, 7, -30, -45, -27, 11, 41},
+{ /* Row 19 */
+40, 8, -31, -45, -22, 18, 44, 34, -3, -38, -42, -12, 28, 45, 26, -14,
+-43, -37, -1, 36, 44, 16, -24, -45, -30, 10, 41, 39, 6, -33, -45, -20,
+20, 45, 33, -6, -39, -41, -10, 30, 45, 24, -16, -44, -36, 1, 37, 43,
+14, -26, -45, -28, 12, 42, 38, 3, -34, -44, -18, 22, 45, 31, -8, -40},
+{ /* Row 20 */
+40, 4, -35, -43, -13, 29, 45, 21, -21, -45, -29, 13, 43, 35, -4, -40,
+-40, -4, 35, 43, 13, -29, -45, -21, 21, 45, 29, -13, -43, -35, 4, 40,
+40, 4, -35, -43, -13, 29, 45, 21, -21, -45, -29, 13, 43, 35, -4, -40,
+-40, -4, 35, 43, 13, -29, -45, -21, 21, 45, 29, -13, -43, -35, 4, 40},
+{ /* Row 21 */
+39, 1, -38, -40, -3, 37, 41, 6, -36, -42, -8, 34, 43, 10, -33, -44,
+-12, 31, 44, 14, -30, -45, -16, 28, 45, 18, -26, -45, -20, 24, 45, 22,
+-22, -45, -24, 20, 45, 26, -18, -45, -28, 16, 45, 30, -14, -44, -31, 12,
+44, 33, -10, -43, -34, 8, 42, 36, -6, -41, -37, 3, 40, 38, -1, -39},
+{ /* Row 22 */
+39, -2, -41, -36, 7, 43, 34, -11, -44, -30, 15, 45, 27, -19, -45, -23,
+23, 45, 19, -27, -45, -15, 30, 44, 11, -34, -43, -7, 36, 41, 2, -39,
+-39, 2, 41, 36, -7, -43, -34, 11, 44, 30, -15, -45, -27, 19, 45, 23,
+-23, -45, -19, 27, 45, 15, -30, -44, -11, 34, 43, 7, -36, -41, -2, 39},
+{ /* Row 23 */
+38, -6, -43, -31, 16, 45, 22, -26, -45, -12, 34, 41, 1, -40, -36, 10,
+44, 28, -20, -45, -18, 30, 44, 8, -37, -39, 3, 42, 33, -14, -45, -24,
+24, 45, 14, -33, -42, -3, 39, 37, -8, -44, -30, 18, 45, 20, -28, -44,
+-10, 36, 40, -1, -41, -34, 12, 45, 26, -22, -45, -16, 31, 43, 6, -38},
+{ /* Row 24 */
+38, -9, -44, -25, 25, 44, 9, -38, -38, 9, 44, 25, -25, -44, -9, 38,
+38, -9, -44, -25, 25, 44, 9, -38, -38, 9, 44, 25, -25, -44, -9, 38,
+38, -9, -44, -25, 25, 44, 9, -38, -38, 9, 44, 25, -25, -44, -9, 38,
+38, -9, -44, -25, 25, 44, 9, -38, -38, 9, 44, 25, -25, -44, -9, 38},
+{ /* Row 25 */
+37, -12, -45, -18, 33, 40, -6, -44, -24, 28, 43, 1, -42, -30, 22, 45,
+8, -39, -34, 16, 45, 14, -36, -38, 10, 45, 20, -31, -41, 3, 44, 26,
+-26, -44, -3, 41, 31, -20, -45, -10, 38, 36, -14, -45, -16, 34, 39, -8,
+-45, -22, 30, 42, -1, -43, -28, 24, 44, 6, -40, -33, 18, 45, 12, -37},
+{ /* Row 26 */
+36, -15, -45, -11, 39, 34, -19, -45, -7, 41, 30, -23, -44, -2, 43, 27,
+-27, -43, 2, 44, 23, -30, -41, 7, 45, 19, -34, -39, 11, 45, 15, -36,
+-36, 15, 45, 11, -39, -34, 19, 45, 7, -41, -30, 23, 44, 2, -43, -27,
+27, 43, -2, -44, -23, 30, 41, -7, -45, -19, 34, 39, -11, -45, -15, 36},
+{ /* Row 27 */
+36, -18, -45, -3, 43, 24, -31, -39, 12, 45, 10, -40, -30, 26, 42, -6,
+-45, -16, 37, 34, -20, -44, -1, 44, 22, -33, -38, 14, 45, 8, -41, -28,
+28, 41, -8, -45, -14, 38, 33, -22, -44, 1, 44, 20, -34, -37, 16, 45,
+6, -42, -26, 30, 40, -10, -45, -12, 39, 31, -24, -43, 3, 45, 18, -36},
+{ /* Row 28 */
+35, -21, -43, 4, 45, 13, -40, -29, 29, 40, -13, -45, -4, 43, 21, -35,
+-35, 21, 43, -4, -45, -13, 40, 29, -29, -40, 13, 45, 4, -43, -21, 35,
+35, -21, -43, 4, 45, 13, -40, -29, 29, 40, -13, -45, -4, 43, 21, -35,
+-35, 21, 43, -4, -45, -13, 40, 29, -29, -40, 13, 45, 4, -43, -21, 35},
+{ /* Row 29 */
+34, -24, -41, 12, 45, 1, -45, -14, 40, 26, -33, -36, 22, 42, -10, -45,
+-3, 44, 16, -39, -28, 31, 37, -20, -43, 8, 45, 6, -44, -18, 38, 30,
+-30, -38, 18, 44, -6, -45, -8, 43, 20, -37, -31, 28, 39, -16, -44, 3,
+45, 10, -42, -22, 36, 33, -26, -40, 14, 45, -1, -45, -12, 41, 24, -34},
+{ /* Row 30 */
+34, -27, -39, 19, 43, -11, -45, 2, 45, 7, -44, -15, 41, 23, -36, -30,
+30, 36, -23, -41, 15, 44, -7, -45, -2, 45, 11, -43, -19, 39, 27, -34,
+-34, 27, 39, -19, -43, 11, 45, -2, -45, -7, 44, 15, -41, -23, 36, 30,
+-30, -36, 23, 41, -15, -44, 7, 45, 2, -45, -11, 43, 19, -39, -27, 34},
+{ /* Row 31 */
+33, -30, -36, 26, 38, -22, -40, 18, 42, -14, -44, 10, 45, -6, -45, 1,
+45, 3, -45, -8, 44, 12, -43, -16, 41, 20, -39, -24, 37, 28, -34, -31,
+31, 34, -28, -37, 24, 39, -20, -41, 16, 43, -12, -44, 8, 45, -3, -45,
+-1, 45, 6, -45, -10, 44, 14, -42, -18, 40, 22, -38, -26, 36, 30, -33},
+{ /* Row 32 */
+32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32,
+32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32,
+32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32,
+32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32, 32, -32, -32, 32},
+{ /* Row 33 */
+31, -34, -28, 37, 24, -39, -20, 41, 16, -43, -12, 44, 8, -45, -3, 45,
+-1, -45, 6, 45, -10, -44, 14, 42, -18, -40, 22, 38, -26, -36, 30, 33,
+-33, -30, 36, 26, -38, -22, 40, 18, -42, -14, 44, 10, -45, -6, 45, 1,
+-45, 3, 45, -8, -44, 12, 43, -16, -41, 20, 39, -24, -37, 28, 34, -31},
+{ /* Row 34 */
+30, -36, -23, 41, 15, -44, -7, 45, -2, -45, 11, 43, -19, -39, 27, 34,
+-34, -27, 39, 19, -43, -11, 45, 2, -45, 7, 44, -15, -41, 23, 36, -30,
+-30, 36, 23, -41, -15, 44, 7, -45, 2, 45, -11, -43, 19, 39, -27, -34,
+34, 27, -39, -19, 43, 11, -45, -2, 45, -7, -44, 15, 41, -23, -36, 30},
+{ /* Row 35 */
+30, -38, -18, 44, 6, -45, 8, 43, -20, -37, 31, 28, -39, -16, 44, 3,
+-45, 10, 42, -22, -36, 33, 26, -40, -14, 45, 1, -45, 12, 41, -24, -34,
+34, 24, -41, -12, 45, -1, -45, 14, 40, -26, -33, 36, 22, -42, -10, 45,
+-3, -44, 16, 39, -28, -31, 37, 20, -43, -8, 45, -6, -44, 18, 38, -30},
+{ /* Row 36 */
+29, -40, -13, 45, -4, -43, 21, 35, -35, -21, 43, 4, -45, 13, 40, -29,
+-29, 40, 13, -45, 4, 43, -21, -35, 35, 21, -43, -4, 45, -13, -40, 29,
+29, -40, -13, 45, -4, -43, 21, 35, -35, -21, 43, 4, -45, 13, 40, -29,
+-29, 40, 13, -45, 4, 43, -21, -35, 35, 21, -43, -4, 45, -13, -40, 29},
+{ /* Row 37 */
+28, -41, -8, 45, -14, -38, 33, 22, -44, -1, 44, -20, -34, 37, 16, -45,
+6, 42, -26, -30, 40, 10, -45, 12, 39, -31, -24, 43, 3, -45, 18, 36,
+-36, -18, 45, -3, -43, 24, 31, -39, -12, 45, -10, -40, 30, 26, -42, -6,
+45, -16, -37, 34, 20, -44, 1, 44, -22, -33, 38, 14, -45, 8, 41, -28},
+{ /* Row 38 */
+27, -43, -2, 44, -23, -30, 41, 7, -45, 19, 34, -39, -11, 45, -15, -36,
+36, 15, -45, 11, 39, -34, -19, 45, -7, -41, 30, 23, -44, 2, 43, -27,
+-27, 43, 2, -44, 23, 30, -41, -7, 45, -19, -34, 39, 11, -45, 15, 36,
+-36, -15, 45, -11, -39, 34, 19, -45, 7, 41, -30, -23, 44, -2, -43, 27},
+{ /* Row 39 */
+26, -44, 3, 41, -31, -20, 45, -10, -38, 36, 14, -45, 16, 34, -39, -8,
+45, -22, -30, 42, 1, -43, 28, 24, -44, 6, 40, -33, -18, 45, -12, -37,
+37, 12, -45, 18, 33, -40, -6, 44, -24, -28, 43, -1, -42, 30, 22, -45,
+8, 39, -34, -16, 45, -14, -36, 38, 10, -45, 20, 31, -41, -3, 44, -26},
+{ /* Row 40 */
+25, -44, 9, 38, -38, -9, 44, -25, -25, 44, -9, -38, 38, 9, -44, 25,
+25, -44, 9, 38, -38, -9, 44, -25, -25, 44, -9, -38, 38, 9, -44, 25,
+25, -44, 9, 38, -38, -9, 44, -25, -25, 44, -9, -38, 38, 9, -44, 25,
+25, -44, 9, 38, -38, -9, 44, -25, -25, 44, -9, -38, 38, 9, -44, 25},
+{ /* Row 41 */
+24, -45, 14, 33, -42, 3, 39, -37, -8, 44, -30, -18, 45, -20, -28, 44,
+-10, -36, 40, 1, -41, 34, 12, -45, 26, 22, -45, 16, 31, -43, 6, 38,
+-38, -6, 43, -31, -16, 45, -22, -26, 45, -12, -34, 41, -1, -40, 36, 10,
+-44, 28, 20, -45, 18, 30, -44, 8, 37, -39, -3, 42, -33, -14, 45, -24},
+{ /* Row 42 */
+23, -45, 19, 27, -45, 15, 30, -44, 11, 34, -43, 7, 36, -41, 2, 39,
+-39, -2, 41, -36, -7, 43, -34, -11, 44, -30, -15, 45, -27, -19, 45, -23,
+-23, 45, -19, -27, 45, -15, -30, 44, -11, -34, 43, -7, -36, 41, -2, -39,
+39, 2, -41, 36, 7, -43, 34, 11, -44, 30, 15, -45, 27, 19, -45, 23},
+{ /* Row 43 */
+22, -45, 24, 20, -45, 26, 18, -45, 28, 16, -45, 30, 14, -44, 31, 12,
+-44, 33, 10, -43, 34, 8, -42, 36, 6, -41, 37, 3, -40, 38, 1, -39,
+39, -1, -38, 40, -3, -37, 41, -6, -36, 42, -8, -34, 43, -10, -33, 44,
+-12, -31, 44, -14, -30, 45, -16, -28, 45, -18, -26, 45, -20, -24, 45, -22},
+{ /* Row 44 */
+21, -45, 29, 13, -43, 35, 4, -40, 40, -4, -35, 43, -13, -29, 45, -21,
+-21, 45, -29, -13, 43, -35, -4, 40, -40, 4, 35, -43, 13, 29, -45, 21,
+21, -45, 29, 13, -43, 35, 4, -40, 40, -4, -35, 43, -13, -29, 45, -21,
+-21, 45, -29, -13, 43, -35, -4, 40, -40, 4, 35, -43, 13, 29, -45, 21},
+{ /* Row 45 */
+20, -45, 33, 6, -39, 41, -10, -30, 45, -24, -16, 44, -36, -1, 37, -43,
+14, 26, -45, 28, 12, -42, 38, -3, -34, 44, -18, -22, 45, -31, -8, 40,
+-40, 8, 31, -45, 22, 18, -44, 34, 3, -38, 42, -12, -28, 45, -26, -14,
+43, -37, 1, 36, -44, 16, 24, -45, 30, 10, -41, 39, -6, -33, 45, -20},
+{ /* Row 46 */
+19, -44, 36, -2, -34, 45, -23, -15, 43, -39, 7, 30, -45, 27, 11, -41,
+41, -11, -27, 45, -30, -7, 39, -43, 15, 23, -45, 34, 2, -36, 44, -19,
+-19, 44, -36, 2, 34, -45, 23, 15, -43, 39, -7, -30, 45, -27, -11, 41,
+-41, 11, 27, -45, 30, 7, -39, 43, -15, -23, 45, -34, -2, 36, -44, 19},
+{ /* Row 47 */
+18, -43, 39, -10, -26, 45, -34, 1, 33, -45, 28, 8, -38, 44, -20, -16,
+42, -40, 12, 24, -45, 36, -3, -31, 45, -30, -6, 37, -44, 22, 14, -41,
+41, -14, -22, 44, -37, 6, 30, -45, 31, 3, -36, 45, -24, -12, 40, -42,
+16, 20, -44, 38, -8, -28, 45, -33, -1, 34, -45, 26, 10, -39, 43, -18},
+{ /* Row 48 */
+17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17, 17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17,
+17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17, 17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17,
+17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17, 17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17,
+17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17, 17, -42, 42, -17, -17, 42, -42, 17},
+{ /* Row 49 */
+16, -40, 44, -24, -8, 36, -45, 31, -1, -30, 45, -37, 10, 22, -43, 41,
+-18, -14, 39, -44, 26, 6, -34, 45, -33, 3, 28, -45, 38, -12, -20, 42,
+-42, 20, 12, -38, 45, -28, -3, 33, -45, 34, -6, -26, 44, -39, 14, 18,
+-41, 43, -22, -10, 37, -45, 30, 1, -31, 45, -36, 8, 24, -44, 40, -16},
+{ /* Row 50 */
+15, -39, 45, -30, 2, 27, -44, 41, -19, -11, 36, -45, 34, -7, -23, 43,
+-43, 23, 7, -34, 45, -36, 11, 19, -41, 44, -27, -2, 30, -45, 39, -15,
+-15, 39, -45, 30, -2, -27, 44, -41, 19, 11, -36, 45, -34, 7, 23, -43,
+43, -23, -7, 34, -45, 36, -11, -19, 41, -44, 27, 2, -30, 45, -39, 15},
+{ /* Row 51 */
+14, -37, 45, -36, 12, 16, -38, 45, -34, 10, 18, -39, 45, -33, 8, 20,
+-40, 45, -31, 6, 22, -41, 44, -30, 3, 24, -42, 44, -28, 1, 26, -43,
+43, -26, -1, 28, -44, 42, -24, -3, 30, -44, 41, -22, -6, 31, -45, 40,
+-20, -8, 33, -45, 39, -18, -10, 34, -45, 38, -16, -12, 36, -45, 37, -14},
+{ /* Row 52 */
+13, -35, 45, -40, 21, 4, -29, 43, -43, 29, -4, -21, 40, -45, 35, -13,
+-13, 35, -45, 40, -21, -4, 29, -43, 43, -29, 4, 21, -40, 45, -35, 13,
+13, -35, 45, -40, 21, 4, -29, 43, -43, 29, -4, -21, 40, -45, 35, -13,
+-13, 35, -45, 40, -21, -4, 29, -43, 43, -29, 4, 21, -40, 45, -35, 13},
+{ /* Row 53 */
+12, -33, 44, -43, 30, -8, -16, 36, -45, 41, -26, 3, 20, -38, 45, -39,
+22, 1, -24, 40, -45, 37, -18, -6, 28, -42, 45, -34, 14, 10, -31, 44,
+-44, 31, -10, -14, 34, -45, 42, -28, 6, 18, -37, 45, -40, 24, -1, -22,
+39, -45, 38, -20, -3, 26, -41, 45, -36, 16, 8, -30, 43, -44, 33, -12},
+{ /* Row 54 */
+11, -30, 43, -45, 36, -19, -2, 23, -39, 45, -41, 27, -7, -15, 34, -44,
+44, -34, 15, 7, -27, 41, -45, 39, -23, 2, 19, -36, 45, -43, 30, -11,
+-11, 30, -43, 45, -36, 19, 2, -23, 39, -45, 41, -27, 7, 15, -34, 44,
+-44, 34, -15, -7, 27, -41, 45, -39, 23, -2, -19, 36, -45, 43, -30, 11},
+{ /* Row 55 */
+10, -28, 40, -45, 41, -30, 12, 8, -26, 39, -45, 42, -31, 14, 6, -24,
+38, -45, 43, -33, 16, 3, -22, 37, -45, 44, -34, 18, 1, -20, 36, -44,
+44, -36, 20, -1, -18, 34, -44, 45, -37, 22, -3, -16, 33, -43, 45, -38,
+24, -6, -14, 31, -42, 45, -39, 26, -8, -12, 30, -41, 45, -40, 28, -10},
+{ /* Row 56 */
+9, -25, 38, -44, 44, -38, 25, -9, -9, 25, -38, 44, -44, 38, -25, 9,
+9, -25, 38, -44, 44, -38, 25, -9, -9, 25, -38, 44, -44, 38, -25, 9,
+9, -25, 38, -44, 44, -38, 25, -9, -9, 25, -38, 44, -44, 38, -25, 9,
+9, -25, 38, -44, 44, -38, 25, -9, -9, 25, -38, 44, -44, 38, -25, 9},
+{ /* Row 57 */
+8, -22, 34, -42, 45, -43, 36, -24, 10, 6, -20, 33, -41, 45, -44, 37,
+-26, 12, 3, -18, 31, -40, 45, -44, 38, -28, 14, 1, -16, 30, -39, 45,
+-45, 39, -30, 16, -1, -14, 28, -38, 44, -45, 40, -31, 18, -3, -12, 26,
+-37, 44, -45, 41, -33, 20, -6, -10, 24, -36, 43, -45, 42, -34, 22, -8},
+{ /* Row 58 */
+7, -19, 30, -39, 44, -45, 43, -36, 27, -15, 2, 11, -23, 34, -41, 45,
+-45, 41, -34, 23, -11, -2, 15, -27, 36, -43, 45, -44, 39, -30, 19, -7,
+-7, 19, -30, 39, -44, 45, -43, 36, -27, 15, -2, -11, 23, -34, 41, -45,
+45, -41, 34, -23, 11, 2, -15, 27, -36, 43, -45, 44, -39, 30, -19, 7},
+{ /* Row 59 */
+6, -16, 26, -34, 40, -44, 45, -44, 39, -33, 24, -14, 3, 8, -18, 28,
+-36, 41, -45, 45, -43, 38, -31, 22, -12, 1, 10, -20, 30, -37, 42, -45,
+45, -42, 37, -30, 20, -10, -1, 12, -22, 31, -38, 43, -45, 45, -41, 36,
+-28, 18, -8, -3, 14, -24, 33, -39, 44, -45, 44, -40, 34, -26, 16, -6},
+{ /* Row 60 */
+4, -13, 21, -29, 35, -40, 43, -45, 45, -43, 40, -35, 29, -21, 13, -4,
+-4, 13, -21, 29, -35, 40, -43, 45, -45, 43, -40, 35, -29, 21, -13, 4,
+4, -13, 21, -29, 35, -40, 43, -45, 45, -43, 40, -35, 29, -21, 13, -4,
+-4, 13, -21, 29, -35, 40, -43, 45, -45, 43, -40, 35, -29, 21, -13, 4},
+{ /* Row 61 */
+3, -10, 16, -22, 28, -33, 37, -40, 43, -45, 45, -45, 44, -41, 38, -34,
+30, -24, 18, -12, 6, 1, -8, 14, -20, 26, -31, 36, -39, 42, -44, 45,
+-45, 44, -42, 39, -36, 31, -26, 20, -14, 8, -1, -6, 12, -18, 24, -30,
+34, -38, 41, -44, 45, -45, 45, -43, 40, -37, 33, -28, 22, -16, 10, -3},
+{ /* Row 62 */
+2, -7, 11, -15, 19, -23, 27, -30, 34, -36, 39, -41, 43, -44, 45, -45,
+45, -45, 44, -43, 41, -39, 36, -34, 30, -27, 23, -19, 15, -11, 7, -2,
+-2, 7, -11, 15, -19, 23, -27, 30, -34, 36, -39, 41, -43, 44, -45, 45,
+-45, 45, -44, 43, -41, 39, -36, 34, -30, 27, -23, 19, -15, 11, -7, 2},
+{ /* Row 63 */
+1, -3, 6, -8, 10, -12, 14, -16, 18, -20, 22, -24, 26, -28, 30, -31,
+33, -34, 36, -37, 38, -39, 40, -41, 42, -43, 44, -44, 45, -45, 45, -45,
+45, -45, 45, -45, 44, -44, 43, -42, 41, -40, 39, -38, 37, -36, 34, -33,
+31, -30, 28, -26, 24, -22, 20, -18, 16, -14, 12, -10, 8, -6, 3, -1}
+static const uint32_t deblockFactor[13] =
+{ 64, 71, 77, 84, 90, 96, 103, 109, 116, 122, 128, 128, 128 };
+  : m_width(0)
+  , m_height(0)
+  , m_chromaFormat(NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT)
+  , m_bitDepth(0)
+  , m_idrPicId(0)
+  , m_enableDeblocking(0)
+  , m_pGrainSynt(NULL)
+  , m_poc(0)
+  , m_errorCode(0)
+  , m_pFgcParameters(NULL)
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat fmt, 
+  uint8_t bitDepth, uint32_t idrPicId, uint8_t enableDeblocking)
+  m_width = width;
+  m_height = height;
+  m_chromaFormat = fmt;
+  m_bitDepth = bitDepth;
+  m_idrPicId = idrPicId;
+  m_enableDeblocking = enableDeblocking;
+  m_pGrainSynt = NULL; 
+  m_errorCode = 0;
+  m_pFgcParameters = NULL;  
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::fgsInit()
+  m_pGrainSynt = new GrainSynthesisStruct;
+  dataBaseGen();
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::fgsDeinit()
+  delete m_pGrainSynt;
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::grainSynthesizeAndBlend(TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, Bool isIdrPic)
+  uint8_t numComp = MAX_NUM_COMPONENT, compCtr, blkId; /* number of color components */
+  uint8_t log2ScaleFactor, h, v;
+  uint8_t bitDepth; /*grain bit depth and decoded bit depth are assumed to be same */
+  uint8_t color_offset[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  uint32_t widthComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], heightComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT], strideComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  Pel *decSampleBlk16, *decSampleBlk8, *decSampleOffsetY;
+  Pel *decComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  uint16_t numSamples;
+  int16_t scaleFactor;
+  uint32_t kOffset, lOffset, grainStripeOffset, grainStripeOffsetBlk8, offsetBlk8x8;
+  int32_t *grainStripe;/* worth a row of 16x16 : Max size : 16xw;*/
+  int32_t yOffset8x8, xOffset8x8;
+  uint32_t picOffset, x, y, intensityInt;
+  Pel blockAvg; 
+  uint32_t pseudoRandValEc; /* ec : seed to be used for the psudo random generator for a given color component */
+  uint32_t picOrderCntOffset=0;
+  /* from SMPTE RDD5 */
+  color_offset[0] = COLOUR_OFFSET_LUMA;
+  color_offset[1] = COLOUR_OFFSET_CR;
+  color_offset[2] = COLOUR_OFFSET_CB;
+  bitDepth = m_bitDepth;
+  log2ScaleFactor = m_pFgcParameters->m_log2ScaleFactor;
+  widthComp[0] = m_width;
+  widthComp[1] = m_width;
+  widthComp[2] = m_width;
+  heightComp[0] = m_height;
+  heightComp[1] = m_height;
+  heightComp[2] = m_height;
+  if (CHROMA_420 == m_chromaFormat)
+  {
+    widthComp[1] >>= 1;
+    widthComp[2] >>= 1;
+    heightComp[1] >>= 1;
+    heightComp[2] >>= 1;
+  }
+  else if (CHROMA_422 == m_chromaFormat)
+  {
+    widthComp[1] >>= 1;
+    widthComp[2] >>= 1;
+  }
+  else if (CHROMA_400 == m_chromaFormat)
+  {
+    numComp = 1;
+  }
+  /* component offset positions*/
+  decComp[0] = pGrainBuf->getAddr(COMPONENT_Y);
+  decComp[1] = pGrainBuf->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cb);
+  decComp[2] = pGrainBuf->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cr);
+  /* component strides */
+  strideComp[0] = pGrainBuf->getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
+  strideComp[1] = pGrainBuf->getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
+  strideComp[2] = pGrainBuf->getStride(COMPONENT_Cr);
+  grainStripe = (int32_t *)malloc(strideComp[0] * BLK_16 * sizeof(int32_t));
+  if (isIdrPic)
+  {
+    picOrderCntOffset = m_idrPicId;
+  }
+  if (FGS_SUCCESS == m_errorCode)
+  {
+    if (0 == m_pFgcParameters->m_filmGrainCharacteristicsCancelFlag)
+    {
+      for (compCtr = 0; compCtr < numComp; compCtr++)
+      {
+        if (1 == m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].bPresentFlag)
+        {
+          picOffset = (m_poc) + (picOrderCntOffset << 5);
+          /* Seed initialization for current picture*/
+          pseudoRandValEc = seedLUT[((picOffset + color_offset[compCtr]) % 256)];
+          decSampleOffsetY = decComp[compCtr];
+          /* Loop of 16x16 blocks */
+          for (y = 0; y < heightComp[compCtr]; y += BLK_16)
+          {
+            /* Initialization of grain stripe of 16xwidth size */
+            memset(grainStripe, 0, (strideComp[0] * BLK_16 * sizeof(int32_t)));
+            for (x = 0; x < widthComp[compCtr]; x += BLK_16)
+            {
+              /* start position offset of decoded sample in x direction */
+              grainStripeOffset = x;
+              decSampleBlk16 = decSampleOffsetY + x;
+              for (blkId = 0; blkId < NUM_8x8_BLKS_16x16; blkId++)
+              {
+                yOffset8x8 = (blkId >> 1) * BLK_8;
+                xOffset8x8 = (blkId & 0x1)* BLK_8;
+                offsetBlk8x8 = xOffset8x8 + (yOffset8x8 * strideComp[compCtr]);
+                grainStripeOffsetBlk8 = grainStripeOffset + offsetBlk8x8;
+                decSampleBlk8 = decSampleBlk16 + offsetBlk8x8;
+                blockAvg = blockAverage(decSampleBlk8, strideComp[compCtr], &numSamples,
+                  MIN(BLK_8, (heightComp[compCtr] - y - yOffset8x8)),
+                  MIN(BLK_8, (widthComp[compCtr] - x - xOffset8x8)),
+                  bitDepth);
+                /* Handling of non 8x8 blocks along with 8x8 blocks */
+                if (numSamples > 0)
+                {
+                  /* Selection of the component model */
+                  intensityInt = m_pGrainSynt->intensityInterval[compCtr][blockAvg];
+                  if (INTENSITY_INTERVAL_MATCH_FAIL != intensityInt)
+                  {
+                    /* 8x8 grain block offset using co-ordinates of decoded 8x8 block in the frame */
+                    kOffset = (MSB16(pseudoRandValEc) % 52);
+                    kOffset &= 0xFFFC;
+                    kOffset += (x + xOffset8x8) & 0x0008;
+                    lOffset = (LSB16(pseudoRandValEc) % 56);
+                    lOffset &= 0xFFF8;
+                    lOffset += (y + yOffset8x8) & 0x0008;
+                    scaleFactor = BIT0(pseudoRandValEc) ? -1 : 1;
+                    scaleFactor *=
+                      m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityInt].compModelValue[0];
+                    h = m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityInt].compModelValue[1] - 2;
+                    v = m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityInt].compModelValue[2] - 2;
+                    /* 8x8 block grain simulation */
+                    simulateGrainBlk8x8(grainStripe, grainStripeOffsetBlk8,
+                      m_pGrainSynt, strideComp[compCtr],
+                      log2ScaleFactor, scaleFactor, kOffset, lOffset, h, v, MIN(BLK_8, (widthComp[compCtr] - x - xOffset8x8)));
+                  }/* only if average falls in any interval */
+                } /* includes corner case handling */
+              } /* 8x8 level block processing */
+                /* uppdate the PRNG once per 16x16 block of samples */
+              pseudoRandValEc = prng(pseudoRandValEc);
+            } /* End of 16xwidth grain simulation */
+            /* deblocking at the vertical edges of 8x8 at 16xwidth*/
+            if (m_enableDeblocking)
+            {
+              deblockGrainStripe(grainStripe, widthComp[compCtr], strideComp[compCtr]);
+            }
+            /* Blending of size 16xwidth*/
+            blendStripe(decSampleOffsetY, grainStripe,
+              strideComp[compCtr], MIN(BLK_16, (heightComp[compCtr] - y)), bitDepth);
+            decSampleOffsetY += MIN(BLK_16, heightComp[compCtr] - y) * strideComp[compCtr];
+          } /* end of component loop */
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (isIdrPic)
+  {
+    m_idrPicId++;
+  }
+  free(grainStripe);
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::dataBaseGen()
+  uint32_t pseudoRandValEhv;
+  uint8_t h, v; /* Horizaontal and vertical cut off frequencies (+2)*/
+  uint32_t ScaleCutOffFh, ScaleCutOffFv, l, r, i, j, k;
+  int32_t bGrain[DATA_BASE_SIZE][DATA_BASE_SIZE];
+  int8_t R64_IDCT_TR[DATA_BASE_SIZE][DATA_BASE_SIZE]; /* Transpose of R64_IDCT[64][64]*/
+  for (l = 0; l < DATA_BASE_SIZE; l++)
+  {
+    for (k = 0; k < DATA_BASE_SIZE; k++)
+    {
+      R64_IDCT_TR[l][k] = R64_IDCT[k][l]; /* Matrix Transpose */
+    }
+  }
+  for (h = 0; h < NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ; h++)
+  {
+    for (v = 0; v < NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ; v++)
+    {
+      memset(&B, 0, DATA_BASE_SIZE*DATA_BASE_SIZE * sizeof(int32_t));
+      memset(&bIDCT, 0, DATA_BASE_SIZE*DATA_BASE_SIZE * sizeof(int32_t));
+      memset(&bGrain, 0, DATA_BASE_SIZE*DATA_BASE_SIZE * sizeof(int32_t));
+      ScaleCutOffFh = ((h + 3) << 2) - 1;
+      ScaleCutOffFv = ((v + 3) << 2) - 1;
+      /* ehv : seed to be used for the psudo random generator for a given h and v */
+      pseudoRandValEhv = seedLUT[h + v * 13];
+      for (l = 0, r = 0; l <= ScaleCutOffFv; l++)
+      {
+        for (k = 0; k <= ScaleCutOffFh; k += 4)
+        {
+          B[k][l] = gaussianLUT[pseudoRandValEhv % 2048];
+          B[k + 1][l] = gaussianLUT[(pseudoRandValEhv + 1) % 2048];
+          B[k + 2][l] = gaussianLUT[(pseudoRandValEhv + 2) % 2048];
+          B[k + 3][l] = gaussianLUT[(pseudoRandValEhv + 3) % 2048];
+          r++;
+          pseudoRandValEhv = prng(pseudoRandValEhv);
+        }
+      }
+      B[0][0] = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < DATA_BASE_SIZE; i++)
+      {
+        for (j = 0; j < DATA_BASE_SIZE; j++)
+        {
+          for (k = 0; k < DATA_BASE_SIZE; k++)
+          {
+            bIDCT[i][j] += R64_IDCT_TR[i][k] * B[k][j];
+          }
+          bIDCT[i][j] += 128;
+          bIDCT[i][j] = bIDCT[i][j] >> 8;
+        }
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < DATA_BASE_SIZE; i++)
+      {
+        for (j = 0; j < DATA_BASE_SIZE; j++)
+        {
+          for (k = 0; k < DATA_BASE_SIZE; k++)
+          {
+            bGrain[i][j] += bIDCT[i][k] * R64_IDCT[k][j];
+          }
+          bGrain[i][j] += 128;
+          bGrain[i][j] = bGrain[i][j] >> 8;
+          m_pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][j][i] = CLIP3(-127, 127, bGrain[i][j]);
+        }
+      }
+      /* De-blocking at horizontal 8×8 block edges */
+      if (m_enableDeblocking)
+      {
+        for (l = 0; l < DATA_BASE_SIZE; l += 8)
+        {
+          for (k = 0; k < DATA_BASE_SIZE; k++)
+          {
+            m_pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][l][k] = ((m_pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][l][k]) * deblockFactor[v]) >> 7;
+            m_pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][l + 7][k] = ((m_pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][l + 7][k]) * deblockFactor[v]) >> 7;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+/* Function validates film grain parameters  and returns 0 for valid parameters of SMPTE-RDD5 else 1*/
+/* Also down converts the chroma model values for 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 chroma_formats */
+uint8_t SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::grainValidateParams()
+  uint8_t numComp = MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; /* number of color components */
+  uint8_t compCtr, intensityCtr, multiGrainCheck[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES] = { 0 };
+  uint16_t multiGrainCtr;
+  uint8_t limitCompModelVal1[10] = { 0 }, limitCompModelVal2[10] = { 0 };
+  uint8_t num_comp_model_pairs = 0, limitCompModelCtr, compPairMatch;
+  memset(m_pGrainSynt->intensityInterval, INTENSITY_INTERVAL_MATCH_FAIL,
+    sizeof(m_pGrainSynt->intensityInterval));
+  if ((m_width < MIN_WIDTH) || (m_width > MAX_WIDTH) || (m_width % 4))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_WIDTH; /* Width not supported */
+  }
+  if ((m_height < MIN_HEIGHT) || (m_height > MAX_HEIGHT) || (m_height % 4))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_HEIGHT; /* Height not  supported */
+  }
+  if ((m_chromaFormat < MIN_CHROMA_FORMAT_IDC) || (m_chromaFormat > MAX_CHROMA_FORMAT_IDC))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_CHROMA_FORMAT; /* Chroma format not supported */
+  }
+  if (m_chromaFormat == MIN_CHROMA_FORMAT_IDC) /* Mono Chrome */
+  {
+    numComp = 1;
+  }
+  if ((m_bitDepth < MIN_BIT_DEPTH) || (m_bitDepth > MAX_BIT_DEPTH))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_BIT_DEPTH; /* Bit depth not supported */
+  }
+  if ((0 != m_pFgcParameters->m_filmGrainCharacteristicsCancelFlag) &&
+    (1 != m_pFgcParameters->m_filmGrainCharacteristicsCancelFlag))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_FGC_CANCEL_FLAG; /* Film grain synthesis disabled */
+  }
+  if (FILM_GRAIN_MODEL_ID_VALUE != m_pFgcParameters->m_filmGrainModelId)
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_GRAIN_MODEL_ID; /* Not supported  */
+  }
+  if (0 != m_pFgcParameters->m_separateColourDescriptionPresentFlag)
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_SEP_COL_DES_FLAG; /* Not supported  */
+  }
+  if (BLENDING_MODE_VALUE != m_pFgcParameters->m_blendingModeId)
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_BLEND_MODE; /* Not supported  */
+  }
+  if ((m_pFgcParameters->m_log2ScaleFactor < MIN_LOG2SCALE_VALUE) ||
+    (m_pFgcParameters->m_log2ScaleFactor > MAX_LOG2SCALE_VALUE))
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_LOG2_SCALE_FACTOR; /* Not supported  */
+  }
+  /* validation of component model present flag */
+  for (compCtr = 0; compCtr < numComp; compCtr++)
+  {
+    if ((m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].bPresentFlag != true) &&
+      (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].bPresentFlag != false))
+    {
+      return FGS_INVALID_COMP_MODEL_PRESENT_FLAG; /* Not supported  */
+    }
+    if (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].bPresentFlag &&
+      (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].numModelValues > MAX_ALLOWED_MODEL_VALUES))
+    {
+      return FGS_INVALID_NUM_MODEL_VALUES; /* Not supported  */
+    }
+  }
+  /* validation of intensity intervals and  */
+  for (compCtr = 0; compCtr < numComp; compCtr++)
+  {
+    if (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].bPresentFlag)
+    {
+      for (intensityCtr = 0; intensityCtr < m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues.size(); intensityCtr++)
+      {
+        if (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].intensityIntervalLowerBound >
+          m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].intensityIntervalUpperBound)
+        {
+          return FGS_INVALID_INTENSITY_BOUNDARY_VALUES; /* Not supported  */
+        }
+        for (multiGrainCtr = m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].intensityIntervalLowerBound;
+          multiGrainCtr <= m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].intensityIntervalUpperBound; multiGrainCtr++)
+        {
+          m_pGrainSynt->intensityInterval[compCtr][multiGrainCtr] = intensityCtr;
+          if (multiGrainCheck[compCtr][multiGrainCtr]) /* Non over lap */
+          {
+            return FGS_INVALID_INTENSITY_BOUNDARY_VALUES; /* Not supported  */
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            multiGrainCheck[compCtr][multiGrainCtr] = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue.resize(MAX_NUM_MODEL_VALUES);
+        /* default initialization for cut off frequencies */
+        if (1 == m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].numModelValues)
+        {
+          m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] = DEFAULT_HORZ_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY;
+          m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] =
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1];
+        }
+        else if (2 == m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].numModelValues)
+        {
+          m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] =
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1];
+        }
+        /* Error check on model component value */
+        if (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[0] > (MAX_STANDARD_DEVIATION << (m_bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8)))
+        {
+          return FGS_INVALID_STANDARD_DEVIATION; /* Not supported  */
+        }
+        else if ((m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] < MIN_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY) ||
+          (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] > MAX_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY))
+        {
+          return FGS_INVALID_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCIES; /* Not supported  */
+        }
+        else if ((m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] < MIN_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY) ||
+          (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] > MAX_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY))
+        {
+          return FGS_INVALID_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCIES; /* Not supported  */
+        }
+        /* conversion of component model values for 4:2:0 and 4:4:4 */
+        if ((CHROMA_444 != m_chromaFormat) && (compCtr > 0))
+        {
+          if (CHROMA_420 == m_chromaFormat) /* 4:2:0 */
+          {
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[0] >>= 1;
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] =
+              (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] << 1));
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] =
+              (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2] << 1));
+          }
+          else if (CHROMA_422 == m_chromaFormat)/* 4:2:2 */
+          {
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[0] =
+              (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[0] * SCALE_DOWN_422) >> Q_FORMAT_SCALING;
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] =
+              (m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1] << 1));
+          }
+        }
+        compPairMatch = 0;
+        for (limitCompModelCtr = 0; limitCompModelCtr <= num_comp_model_pairs; limitCompModelCtr++)
+        {
+          if ((limitCompModelVal1[limitCompModelCtr] ==
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1]) &&
+            (limitCompModelVal2[limitCompModelCtr] ==
+              m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2]))
+          {
+            compPairMatch = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        if (0 == compPairMatch)
+        {
+          num_comp_model_pairs++;
+          /* max allowed pairs are 10 as per SMPTE -RDD5*/
+          if (num_comp_model_pairs > MAX_ALLOWED_COMP_MODEL_PAIRS)
+          {
+            return FGS_INVALID_NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ_PAIRS; /* Not supported  */
+          }
+          limitCompModelVal1[num_comp_model_pairs - 1] =
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[1];
+          limitCompModelVal2[num_comp_model_pairs - 1] =
+            m_pFgcParameters->m_compModel[compCtr].intensityValues[intensityCtr].compModelValue[2];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (0 != m_pFgcParameters->m_filmGrainCharacteristicsPersistenceFlag)
+  {
+    return FGS_INVALID_FGC_REPETETION_PERIOD; /* Not supported  */
+  }
+  return FGS_SUCCESS; /* Success */
+uint32_t SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::prng(uint32_t x_r)
+  uint32_t addVal;
+  addVal = (1 + ((x_r & (POS_2)) > 0) + ((x_r & (POS_30)) > 0)) % 2;
+  x_r = (x_r << 1) + addVal;
+  return x_r;
+/* Function to calculate block average for bit depths > 8 */
+Pel SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::blockAverage(Pel *decSampleBlk8,
+  uint32_t widthComp,
+  uint16_t *pNumSamples,
+  uint8_t ySize,
+  uint8_t xSize,
+  uint8_t bitDepth)
+  uint32_t blockAvg = 0;
+  uint8_t k, l;
+  uint16_t numSamples = 0;
+  for (k = 0; k < ySize; k++)
+  {
+    for (l = 0; l < xSize; l++)
+    {
+      blockAvg += *(decSampleBlk8 + l + (k*widthComp));
+      numSamples++;
+    }
+  }
+  if (numSamples > 0)
+  {
+    blockAvg /= numSamples;
+    blockAvg >>= (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8); /* to handle high bit depths */
+  }
+  assert(blockAvg < (1 << BIT_DEPTH_8));
+  *pNumSamples = numSamples;
+  blockAvg = CLIP3(0, (1 << BIT_DEPTH_8) - 1, blockAvg);
+  return blockAvg;
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::deblockGrainStripe(int32_t *grainStripe, uint32_t widthComp, uint32_t strideComp)
+  int32_t left1, left0, right0, right1;
+  uint32_t pos8, vertCtr;
+  for (pos8 = 0; pos8 < (widthComp - BLK_8); pos8 += BLK_8)
+  {
+    for (vertCtr = 0; vertCtr < BLK_16; vertCtr++) /* Across 16 pels of the vertical boundary*/
+    {
+      left1 = *(grainStripe + pos8 + 6 + (vertCtr*strideComp));
+      left0 = *(grainStripe + pos8 + 7 + (vertCtr*strideComp));
+      right0 = *(grainStripe + pos8 + BLK_8 + 0 + (vertCtr*strideComp));
+      right1 = *(grainStripe + pos8 + BLK_8 + 1 + (vertCtr*strideComp));
+      *(grainStripe + pos8 + BLK_8 + 0 + (vertCtr*strideComp)) = (left0 + (right0 << 1) + right1) >> 2;
+      *(grainStripe + pos8 + 7 + (vertCtr*strideComp)) = (left1 + (left0 << 1) + right0) >> 2;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::blendStripe(Pel *decSampleOffsetY, int32_t *grainStripe,
+  uint32_t widthComp, uint32_t blockHeight, uint8_t bitDepth)
+  uint32_t k, l;
+  int32_t grainSample;
+  Pel decodeSample;
+  uint16_t maxRange;
+  maxRange = (1 << bitDepth) - 1;
+  for (l = 0; l < blockHeight; l++) /* y direction */
+  {
+    for (k = 0; k < widthComp; k++) /* x direction */
+    {
+      decodeSample = *(decSampleOffsetY + k + (l*widthComp));
+      grainSample = *(grainStripe + k + (l*widthComp));
+      grainSample <<= (bitDepth - BIT_DEPTH_8);
+      grainSample = CLIP3(0, maxRange, grainSample + decodeSample);
+      *(decSampleOffsetY + k + (l*widthComp)) = (Pel)grainSample;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::simulateGrainBlk8x8(int32_t *grainStripe, uint32_t grainStripeOffsetBlk8,
+  GrainSynthesisStruct *pGrainSynt, uint32_t width, uint8_t log2ScaleFactor,
+  int16_t scaleFactor, uint32_t kOffset, uint32_t lOffset,
+  uint8_t h, uint8_t v, uint32_t xSize)
+  uint32_t k, l;
+  for (l = 0; l < BLK_8; l++) /* y direction */
+  {
+    for (k = 0; k < xSize; k++) /* x direction */
+    {
+      *(grainStripe + grainStripeOffsetBlk8 + k + (l*width)) =
+        ((scaleFactor *
+          pGrainSynt->dataBase[h][v][l + lOffset][k + kOffset]) >> (log2ScaleFactor + GRAIN_SCALE));
+    }
+  }
+  return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d45971e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD
+* License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party
+* and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are
+* granted under this license.
+* Copyright (c) 2010-2020, ITU/ISO/IEC
+* All rights reserved.
+* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+*    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may
+*    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+*    specific prior written permission.
+ \file     SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h
+ \brief    SMPTE RDD5 based film grain synthesis functionality from SEI messages
+ */
+#include "SEI.h"
+#include "TComPicYuv.h"
+//#if _MSC_VER > 1000
+//#pragma once
+//#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
+//! \ingroup CommonLib
+//! \{
+#define SCALE_DOWN_422  181 /* in Q-format of 8 : 1/sqrt(2) */
+#define GRAIN_SCALE 6
+#define MIN_BIT_DEPTH 8
+#define MAX_BIT_DEPTH 16
+#define BIT_DEPTH_8 8
+#define NUM_8x8_BLKS_16x16 4
+#define BLK_8 8
+#define BLK_16 16
+#define COLOUR_OFFSET_CR 85
+#define COLOUR_OFFSET_CB 170
+#define NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ 13
+#define DATA_BASE_SIZE 64
+#define MIN_WIDTH 128
+#define MAX_WIDTH 7680
+#define MIN_HEIGHT 128
+#define MAX_HEIGHT 4320
+#define MIN_BIT_DEPTH 8
+#define MAX_BIT_DEPTH 16
+#define BIT_DEPTH_8 8
+#define NUM_8x8_BLKS_16x16 4
+#define BLK_8 8
+#define BLK_16 16
+#define COLOUR_OFFSET_CR 85
+#define COLOUR_OFFSET_CB 170
+#define CLIP3(min, max, x) (((x) > (max)) ? (max) :(((x) < (min))? (min):(x)))
+#define MIN(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (y) : (x))
+#define MSB16(x) ((x&0xFFFF0000)>>16)
+#define LSB16(x) (x&0x0000FFFF)
+#define BIT0(x) (x&0x1)
+#define POS_30 (1<<30)
+#define POS_2 (1<<2)
+/* Error start codes for various classes of errors */
+#define FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR    0x0010
+#define FGS_PARAM_ERROR      0x0020
+/* Error codes for various errors in SMPTE-RDD5 standalone grain synthesizer */
+typedef enum
+  /* No error */
+  /* Invalid input width */
+  /* Invalid input height */
+  /* Invalid Chroma format idc */
+  /* Invalid bit depth */
+  /* Invalid Film grain characteristic cancel flag */
+  /* Invalid film grain model id */
+  /* Invalid separate color description present flag */
+  /* Invalid blending mode */
+  /* Invalid log_2_scale_factor value */
+  /* Invalid component model present flag */
+  /* Invalid number of model values */
+  /* Invalid bound values, overlapping boundaries */
+  /* Invalid standard deviation */
+  /* Invalid cut off frequencies */
+  /* Invalid number of cut off frequency pairs */
+  /* Invalid film grain characteristics repetition period */
+  /* Failure error code */
+  FGS_FAIL = 0xFF
+/* FGC Error Codes END */
+typedef struct GrainSynthesisStruct_t
+  int16_t intensityInterval[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES];
+class SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer
+  uint32_t                     m_width;
+  uint32_t                     m_height;
+  ChromaFormat                 m_chromaFormat;
+  uint8_t                      m_bitDepth;
+  uint32_t                     m_idrPicId;
+  uint8_t                      m_enableDeblocking;
+  GrainSynthesisStruct        *m_pGrainSynt;
+  uint32_t                     m_poc;
+  uint32_t                     m_errorCode;
+  SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *m_pFgcParameters;
+  SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer();
+  void create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat fmt, uint8_t bitDepth,
+    uint32_t idrPicId, uint8_t enableDeblocking);
+  virtual ~SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer();
+  void      fgsInit();
+  void      fgsDeinit();
+  void      grainSynthesizeAndBlend(TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, Bool isIdrPic);
+  uint8_t   grainValidateParams();
+  void      dataBaseGen();
+  uint32_t prng(uint32_t x_r);
+  Pel blockAverage(Pel *decSampleBlk8,
+    uint32_t widthComp,
+    uint16_t *pNumSamples,
+    uint8_t ySize,
+    uint8_t xSize,
+    uint8_t bitDepth);
+  void deblockGrainStripe(int32_t *grainStripe, uint32_t widthComp, uint32_t strideComp);
+  void blendStripe(Pel *decSampleOffsetY, int32_t *grainStripe,
+    uint32_t widthComp, uint32_t blockHeight, uint8_t bitDepth);
+  void simulateGrainBlk8x8(int32_t *grainStripe, uint32_t grainStripeOffsetBlk8,
+    GrainSynthesisStruct *pGrainSynt, uint32_t width, uint8_t log2ScaleFactor,
+    int16_t scaleFactor, uint32_t kOffset, uint32_t lOffset,
+    uint8_t h, uint8_t v, uint32_t xSize);
+};// END CLASS DEFINITION SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
index 099750428..91a76e2b4 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ TComPic::TComPic()
     m_apcPicYuv[i]      = NULL;
+  m_grainCharacteristic = NULL;
+  m_grainBuf = NULL;
@@ -201,6 +205,9 @@ Void TComPic::destroy()
+  m_grainBuf = NULL;
 Void TComPic::compressMotion()
@@ -257,5 +264,64 @@ UInt TComPic::getSubstreamForCtuAddr(const UInt ctuAddr, const Bool bAddressInRa
   return subStrm;
+// initialization of RDD5 based film grain syntheis buffers and parameters
+void TComPic::createGrainSynthesizer(Bool bFirstPictureInSequence, SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer* pGrainCharacteristics, TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, const TComSPS* sps)
+    m_grainCharacteristic = pGrainCharacteristics;
+    m_grainBuf = pGrainBuf;
+    if (bFirstPictureInSequence)
+    {
+      // Create and initialize the Film Grain Synthesizer
+      m_grainCharacteristic->create(sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(),
+            sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), sps->getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA), 0, 1);
+      //Frame level TComPicYuv buffer created to blend Film Grain Noise into it
+      m_grainBuf->createWithoutCUInfo(sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(), sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(),
+        sps->getChromaFormatIdc(), false, 0, 0);
+      m_grainCharacteristic->fgsInit();
+    }
+TComPicYuv* TComPic::getPicYuvDisp()
+    int payloadType = 0;
+    std::list<SEI*>::iterator message;
+    m_grainCharacteristic->m_errorCode = -1;
+    for (message = m_SEIs.begin(); message != m_SEIs.end(); ++message)
+    {
+        payloadType = (*message)->payloadType();
+        if (payloadType == SEI::FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS)
+        {
+            m_grainCharacteristic->m_pFgcParameters = static_cast<SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics*>(*message);
+            /* Validation of Film grain characteristic parameters for the constrains of SMPTE-RDD5*/
+            m_grainCharacteristic->m_errorCode = m_grainCharacteristic->grainValidateParams();
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (FGS_SUCCESS == m_grainCharacteristic->m_errorCode)
+    {
+      m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_REC]->copyToPic(m_grainBuf);
+      m_grainCharacteristic->m_poc = getPOC();
+      m_grainCharacteristic->grainSynthesizeAndBlend(m_grainBuf, getSlice(0)->getIdrPicFlag());
+      return m_grainBuf;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (payloadType == SEI::FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS)
+      {
+        fprintf(stdout, "Film Grain synthesis is not performed. Error code: 0x%x \n", m_grainCharacteristic->m_errorCode);
+      }
+      return  m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_REC];
+    }
 //! \}
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
index 39857cf55..75e3aa62e 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
 #include "TComPicSym.h"
 #include "TComPicYuv.h"
 #include "TComBitStream.h"
+#include "SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h"
 //! \ingroup TLibCommon
 //! \{
@@ -119,6 +122,13 @@ public:
   TComPicYuv*   getPicYuvOrg()        { return  m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_ORG]; }
   TComPicYuv*   getPicYuvRec()        { return  m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_REC]; }
+  void createGrainSynthesizer(bool bFirstPictureInSequence, SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer* pGrainCharacteristics, TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, const TComSPS* sps);
+  SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer *m_grainCharacteristic;
+  TComPicYuv              *m_grainBuf;
+  TComPicYuv*        getPicYuvDisp();
   TComPicYuv*   getPicYuvPred()       { return  m_pcPicYuvPred; }
   TComPicYuv*   getPicYuvResi()       { return  m_pcPicYuvResi; }
   Void          setPicYuvPred( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuv )       { m_pcPicYuvPred = pcPicYuv; }
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TypeDef.h b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TypeDef.h
index d9a86d5cd..ab40fdc76 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TypeDef.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TypeDef.h
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
 #define SHUTTER_INTERVAL_SEI_MESSAGE                      1  ///< support for shutter interval SEI message 
 #define SEI_ENCODER_CONTROL                               1  ///< add encoder control for the following SEI: film grain characteristics, content light level, ambient viewing environment
 #define DPB_ENCODER_USAGE_CHECK                           1 ///< Adds DPB encoder usage check.
+#define FGS_RDD5_ENABLE                                   1 // SMPTE RDD5 based film grain synthesis enabled
 // ====================================================================================================================
 // Tool Switches
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.cpp
index 725e2add4..6776d0974 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.cpp
@@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ TDecTop::TDecTop()
   , m_prevPOC(MAX_INT)
   , m_prevTid0POC(0)
   , m_bFirstSliceInPicture(true)
+  , m_bFirstPictureInSequence(true)
+  , m_grainCharacteristic()
+  , m_grainBuf()
   , m_bFirstSliceInSequence(true)
   , m_prevSliceSkipped(false)
   , m_skippedPOC(0)
@@ -346,7 +351,11 @@ Void TDecTop::xActivateParameterSets()
     //  Get a new picture buffer. This will also set up m_pcPic, and therefore give us a SPS and PPS pointer that we can use.
     xGetNewPicBuffer (*(sps), *(pps), m_pcPic, m_apcSlicePilot->getTLayer());
     m_apcSlicePilot->applyReferencePictureSet(m_cListPic, m_apcSlicePilot->getRPS());
+    // Initialization of film grain synthesizer 
+    m_pcPic->createGrainSynthesizer(m_bFirstPictureInSequence, &m_grainCharacteristic, &m_grainBuf, sps);
+    m_bFirstPictureInSequence = false;
     // make the slice-pilot a real slice, and set up the slice-pilot for the next slice
     assert(m_pcPic->getNumAllocatedSlice() == (m_uiSliceIdx + 1));
     m_apcSlicePilot = m_pcPic->getPicSym()->swapSliceObject(m_apcSlicePilot, m_uiSliceIdx);
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.h b/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.h
index db5fed53c..688af5d7c 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecTop.h
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ private:
   Int                     m_prevPOC;
   Int                     m_prevTid0POC;
   Bool                    m_bFirstSliceInPicture;
+  Bool                    m_bFirstPictureInSequence;
+  SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer m_grainCharacteristic;
+  TComPicYuv              m_grainBuf;
   Bool                    m_bFirstSliceInSequence;
   Bool                    m_prevSliceSkipped;
   Int                     m_skippedPOC;
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
index f64315243..32a799087 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
@@ -590,6 +590,23 @@ Void SEIEncoder::initSEIFilmGrainCharacteristics(SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *se
   for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++)
     seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].bPresentFlag = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEICompModelPresent(i);
+    if (seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].bPresentFlag)
+    {
+      seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues = 1 + m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(i);
+      seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues.resize(1 + m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(i));
+      for (int j = 0; j <= m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(i); j++)
+      {
+        seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalLowerBound = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(i, j);
+        seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalUpperBound = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(i, j);
+        seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].compModelValue.resize(seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues);
+        for (int k = 0; k < seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues; k++)
+        {
+          seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[k] = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEICompModelValue(i, j, k);
+        }
+      }
+    }
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
index 3f3ee966f..9d6aaf99d 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
@@ -447,6 +447,13 @@ protected:
   UChar     m_fgcSEIBlendingModeID;
   UChar     m_fgcSEILog2ScaleFactor;
   Bool      m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UChar     m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UChar     m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
+  UChar     m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES];
+  UChar     m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES];
   // content light level SEI
   Bool      m_cllSEIEnabled;
   UShort    m_cllSEIMaxContentLevel;
@@ -1017,6 +1024,18 @@ public:
   UChar getFilmGrainCharactersticsSEILog2ScaleFactor()               { return m_fgcSEILog2ScaleFactor; }
   Void  setFGCSEICompModelPresent(Bool b, Int index)                 { m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[index] = b; }
   Bool  getFGCSEICompModelPresent(Int index)                         { return m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[index]; }
+  void    setFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[index] = v; }
+  UChar   getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(Int index) { return m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[index]; }
+  void    setFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[index] = v; }
+  UChar   getFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(Int index) { return m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[index]; }
+  void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[index][ctr] = v; }
+  UChar   getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(Int index, Int ctr) { return m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[index][ctr]; }
+  void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[index][ctr] = v; }
+  UChar   getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(Int index, Int ctr) { return m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[index][ctr]; }
+  void    setFGCSEICompModelValue(UInt v, Int index, Int ctr, Int modelCtr) { m_fgcSEICompModelValue[index][ctr][modelCtr] = v; }
+  UInt    getFGCSEICompModelValue(Int index, Int ctr, Int modelCtr) { return m_fgcSEICompModelValue[index][ctr][modelCtr]; }
   // cll SEI
   Void  setCLLSEIEnabled(Bool b)                                     { m_cllSEIEnabled = b; }
   Bool  getCLLSEIEnabled()                                           { return m_cllSEIEnabled; }
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp
index b7ea75daa..137a9ba8e 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp
@@ -499,13 +499,15 @@ Void TEncGOP::xCreateIRAPLeadingSEIMessages (SEIMessages& seiMessages, const TCo
-// film grain
+  // film grain
   if (m_pcCfg->getFilmGrainCharactersticsSEIEnabled())
     SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *seiFGC = new SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics;
 // content light level
   if (m_pcCfg->getCLLSEIEnabled())
@@ -682,6 +684,15 @@ Void TEncGOP::xCreatePerPictureSEIMessages (Int picInGOP, SEIMessages& seiMessag
       delete seiRegionalNesting;
+  // Film Grain Characteristics SEI insertion at at frame level
+  if (m_pcCfg->getFilmGrainCharactersticsSEIEnabled())
+  {
+    SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *fgcSEI = new SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics;
+    m_seiEncoder.initSEIFilmGrainCharacteristics(fgcSEI);
+    seiMessages.push_back(fgcSEI);
+  }
 Void TEncGOP::xCreateScalableNestingSEI (SEIMessages& seiMessages, SEIMessages& nestedSeiMessages)

From 2b3ea39fe75b92db5c86fb488db02cb3ce679294 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taoran Lu <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:15:42 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] fix pipeline warning

 source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
index 35608b970..d9c084aad 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.cpp
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ void SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::dataBaseGen()
 uint8_t SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer::grainValidateParams()
   uint8_t numComp = MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; /* number of color components */
-  uint8_t compCtr, intensityCtr, multiGrainCheck[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES] = { 0 };
+  uint8_t compCtr, intensityCtr, multiGrainCheck[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES] = {{ 0 }};
   uint16_t multiGrainCtr;
   uint8_t limitCompModelVal1[10] = { 0 }, limitCompModelVal2[10] = { 0 };
   uint8_t num_comp_model_pairs = 0, limitCompModelCtr, compPairMatch;

From 2128e2d7e77b0c22c23fc2d4b9f920dc09688780 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taoran Lu <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 14:35:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] address comments

 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp | 86 ++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
index bc7cf9302..4e22d1d2d 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
@@ -729,15 +729,18 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      (std::numeric_limits<Int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Int>::max(), 0, MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS);
   // default values used for FGC SEI parameter parsing
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
-  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256)};
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256)};
+  SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6)};
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_omniViewportSEIAzimuthCentre    (-11796480, 11796479, 0, 15);
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_omniViewportSEIElevationCentre  ( -5898240,  5898240, 0, 15);
@@ -1234,15 +1237,15 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp0", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[0], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 0.")
   ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp1", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[1], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 1.")
   ("SEIFGCNumModelValuesMinus1Comp2", m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[2], 0u, "Specifies the number of component model values minus1 on colour component 2.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2, "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
-  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2, cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2, "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
-  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp0", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 0.")
-  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp1", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 1.")
-  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp2", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2, cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2, "Specifies the component model values on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[0], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[0], "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[1], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[1], "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[2], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[2], "Specifies the lower bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[0], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[0], "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[1], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[1], "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2", cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[2], cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[2], "Specifies the upper bound for the intensity intervals on colour component 2.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp0", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[0], cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[0], "Specifies the component model values on colour component 0.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp1", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[1], cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[1], "Specifies the component model values on colour component 1.")
+  ("SEIFGCCompModelValuesComp2", cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[2], cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[2], "Specifies the component model values on colour component 2.")
 // content light level SEI
   ("SEICLLEnabled",                                   m_cllSEIEnabled,                                   false, "Control generation of the content light level SEI message")
@@ -2079,45 +2082,20 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   if (m_fgcSEIEnabled)
     UInt numModelCtr;
-    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[0])
+    for (int c = 0; c <= 2; c++ )
-      numModelCtr = 0;
-      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[0]; i++)
+      if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[c])
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[0][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0.values[i] : 0);
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[0][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0.values[i] : 0);
-        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[0]; j++)
+        numModelCtr = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[c]; i++)
-          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[0][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
-          numModelCtr++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[1])
-    {
-      numModelCtr = 0;
-      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[1]; i++)
-      {
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[1][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1.values[i] : 0);
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[1][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1.values[i] : 0);
-        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[1]; j++)
-        {
-          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[1][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
-          numModelCtr++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[2])
-    {
-      numModelCtr = 0;
-      for (UChar i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[2]; i++)
-      {
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[2][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2.values[i] : 0);
-        m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[2][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2.values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2.values[i] : 0);
-        for (UChar j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[2]; j++)
-        {
-          m_fgcSEICompModelValue[2][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2.values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2.values[numModelCtr] : 0);
-          numModelCtr++;
+          m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[c][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[c].values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[c].values[i] : 0);
+          m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[c][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[c].values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[c].values[i] : 0);
+          for (int j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[c]; j++)
+          {
+            m_fgcSEICompModelValue[c][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[c].values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[c].values[numModelCtr] : 0);
+            numModelCtr++;
+          }

From c714bfa75744c1efe490135f0500b2b392397cdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taoran Lu <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 14:36:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] address comments

 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp | 9 ---------
 1 file changed, 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
index 4e22d1d2d..881b4cc73 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
@@ -729,15 +729,6 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   SMultiValueInput<Int>  cfg_timeCodeSeiTimeOffsetValue      (std::numeric_limits<Int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Int>::max(), 0, MAX_TIMECODE_SEI_SETS);
   // default values used for FGC SEI parameter parsing
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp0(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp1(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp2(0, 255, 0, 256);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp0(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp1(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
-  //SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp2(0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6);
   SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256)};
   SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 255, 0, 256)};
   SMultiValueInput<UInt>  cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[3]={SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6), SMultiValueInput<UInt> (0, 65535, 0, 256 * 6)};

From 19cc9bd906aa1ee799fabca68dee599d7d5afdb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taoran Lu <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 10:31:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] HM style variable type

 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp |  6 +++---
 source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp |  4 ++--
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp     |  2 +-
 source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h       |  2 +-
 source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp |  4 ++--
 source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h      | 10 +++++-----
 6 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
index 881b4cc73..8edaf2db8 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp
@@ -2073,16 +2073,16 @@ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] )
   if (m_fgcSEIEnabled)
     UInt numModelCtr;
-    for (int c = 0; c <= 2; c++ )
+    for (UInt c = 0; c <= 2; c++ )
       if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[c])
         numModelCtr = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[c]; i++)
+        for (UInt i = 0; i <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[c]; i++)
           m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[c][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[c].values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBoundComp[c].values[i] : 0);
           m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[c][i] = UChar((cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[c].values.size() > i) ? cfg_FgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBoundComp[c].values[i] : 0);
-          for (int j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[c]; j++)
+          for (UInt j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[c]; j++)
             m_fgcSEICompModelValue[c][i][j] = UInt((cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[c].values.size() > numModelCtr) ? cfg_FgcSEICompModelValueComp[c].values[numModelCtr] : 0);
diff --git a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
index cc9e3a9da..c4616bfee 100644
--- a/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
+++ b/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
@@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ Void TAppEncTop::xInitLibCfg()
     if (m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[i]) {
       m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1((UChar)m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[i], i);
       m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1((UChar)m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[i], i);
-      for (int j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[i]; j++) {
+      for (UInt j = 0; j <= m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[i]; j++) {
         m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound((UChar)m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[i][j], i, j);
         m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound((UChar)m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[i][j], i, j);
-        for (int k = 0; k <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[i]; k++) {
+        for (UInt k = 0; k <= m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[i]; k++) {
           m_cTEncTop.setFGCSEICompModelValue(m_fgcSEICompModelValue[i][j][k], i, j, k);
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
index 91a76e2b4..3c8a425bb 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.cpp
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ void TComPic::createGrainSynthesizer(Bool bFirstPictureInSequence, SEIFilmGrainS
 TComPicYuv* TComPic::getPicYuvDisp()
-    int payloadType = 0;
+    Int payloadType = 0;
     std::list<SEI*>::iterator message;
     m_grainCharacteristic->m_errorCode = -1;
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
index 75e3aa62e..6991e43f8 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPic.h
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public:
   TComPicYuv*   getPicYuvRec()        { return  m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_REC]; }
-  void createGrainSynthesizer(bool bFirstPictureInSequence, SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer* pGrainCharacteristics, TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, const TComSPS* sps);
+  Void createGrainSynthesizer(Bool bFirstPictureInSequence, SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer* pGrainCharacteristics, TComPicYuv* pGrainBuf, const TComSPS* sps);
   SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer *m_grainCharacteristic;
   TComPicYuv              *m_grainBuf;
   TComPicYuv*        getPicYuvDisp();
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
index 32a799087..fa369fb85 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/SEIEncoder.cpp
@@ -595,12 +595,12 @@ Void SEIEncoder::initSEIFilmGrainCharacteristics(SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *se
       seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues = 1 + m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(i);
       seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues.resize(1 + m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(i));
-      for (int j = 0; j <= m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(i); j++)
+      for (UInt j = 0; j <= m_pcCfg->getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(i); j++)
         seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalLowerBound = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(i, j);
         seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].intensityIntervalUpperBound = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(i, j);
-        for (int k = 0; k < seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues; k++)
+        for (UInt k = 0; k < seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].numModelValues; k++)
           seiFilmGrain->m_compModel[i].intensityValues[j].compModelValue[k] = m_pcCfg->getFGCSEICompModelValue(i, j, k);
diff --git a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
index 9d6aaf99d..8620b3607 100644
--- a/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
+++ b/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncCfg.h
@@ -1025,15 +1025,15 @@ public:
   Void  setFGCSEICompModelPresent(Bool b, Int index)                 { m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[index] = b; }
   Bool  getFGCSEICompModelPresent(Int index)                         { return m_fgcSEICompModelPresent[index]; }
-  void    setFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[index] = v; }
+  Void    setFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[index] = v; }
   UChar   getFGCSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1(Int index) { return m_fgcSEINumIntensityIntervalMinus1[index]; }
-  void    setFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[index] = v; }
+  Void    setFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(UChar v, Int index) { m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[index] = v; }
   UChar   getFGCSEINumModelValuesMinus1(Int index) { return m_fgcSEINumModelValuesMinus1[index]; }
-  void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[index][ctr] = v; }
+  Void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[index][ctr] = v; }
   UChar   getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound(Int index, Int ctr) { return m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalLowerBound[index][ctr]; }
-  void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[index][ctr] = v; }
+  Void    setFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(UChar v, Int index, Int ctr) { m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[index][ctr] = v; }
   UChar   getFGCSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound(Int index, Int ctr) { return m_fgcSEIIntensityIntervalUpperBound[index][ctr]; }
-  void    setFGCSEICompModelValue(UInt v, Int index, Int ctr, Int modelCtr) { m_fgcSEICompModelValue[index][ctr][modelCtr] = v; }
+  Void    setFGCSEICompModelValue(UInt v, Int index, Int ctr, Int modelCtr) { m_fgcSEICompModelValue[index][ctr][modelCtr] = v; }
   UInt    getFGCSEICompModelValue(Int index, Int ctr, Int modelCtr) { return m_fgcSEICompModelValue[index][ctr][modelCtr]; }
   // cll SEI