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fix #493: chroma residue scaling cannot be enabled in intra slice IBC mode when DualITree=0 (non-CTC)

Taoran Lu requested to merge tlu/VVCSoftware_VTM:enable_CRS_STIntraIBC into master

In VTM6.0, the conditions to control chroma residue scaling (CRS) have issue to handle IBC mode for I-slice when coded in shared tree (DualITree=0). m_pcReshape->getCTUFlag() (which is set to false in intra slices and true in inter slices) should be removed from the conditions in inter-coding related processes to allow CRS to be enabled for Chroma components of IBC mode in intra slice when applicable.

This fix does not impact CTC coding performances where DualITree=1 is set (regression test results are identical). Because when DualITree=1, intra slice has separate coding for luma and chroma. Chroma CUs will never be IBC mode so CRS can be correctly performed.

Tests with DualITree=0 and IBC=1 should have slightly improved chroma coding performance with this fix.

Edited by Taoran Lu

Merge request reports
